English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The real mechanism by which Nazi Germany lost the war.


Or about the ‘Green Dragon Society’ that manipulated Hitler.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 28 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the valuable information you have sent me recently.

I have not been able to reply to all the comments and emails, but I have taken a lot of inspiration from your information.

Especially yesterday I made so many discoveries that I could write an article for days. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Anyway, I have discovered that not only is the Emperor suspicious, but the country of Tibet is actually quite suspicious.

I have also come to realize that by unravelling the mystery of the Nazis, a number of mysteries about the ‘Emperor’s School’ will be solved.

I will be writing about this in some articles in the future.

Meanwhile, as usual, agents have appeared to try to silence me and smear me this way and that.

But, well, this is proof that my articles are getting to the heart of the underworld.

That’s why the underworld has taken the trouble to come and tell me.

Yesterday I briefly explained how the shadow of the ‘Reichsfraktion’ was behind Adolf Hitler.

The relationship between Hitler and the occult. Or the shadow of the ‘Reichsfraktion’ behind Hitler. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-hitlers-relationship-with-the-occult/

As we have been saying for some time, it was a complete lie that the Soviet Union and Germany were enemies during the Second World War.

They secretly worked together behind the scenes and were responsible for the Japan-centred NWO project. (See linked article below for more information).

The Second World War was a power struggle between Rothschild and Rockefeller. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-second-world-war-was-a-power-struggle-between-rothschild-and-rockefeller/

The world is built on the struggle between the Emperor = Rothschild and the Vatican = Rockefeller. https://nozomi-creation.com/this-world-is-built-on-the-war-between-emperorrothschild-and-vaticanrockefeller/

Despite this, Hitler somehow attacked the Soviet Union at the last minute.

So, I have long suspected that there might have been some sort of violent confusion within the Nazi Party, such as a disruption of information by the ‘papists’ or Hitler’s betrayal of the ‘emperors’.

Yesterday’s article helped me to understand the whole story.

And today I want to show you the whole story clearly.

It was indeed a world where ‘fact is stranger than fiction’.

Even more surprisingly, it has also come to light that the battle between the ‘Emperor Faction’ and the ‘Papal Faction’ in the Second World War was a battle of witchcraft.

I have previously mentioned that the battle between the Tokugawa family and the Emperor family was fought by witchcraft.

 (For more information, click here.) https://nozomi-creation.com/the-spiritual-battle-between-the-tokugawa-family-and-the-emperor/

But the fact is that the ‘Imperialists’ and the ‘Popes’ also fought with witchcraft in the Second World War.

This is a long story, but please read the following article first.

—————- (The following is reprinted from Aleister Crowley and the Anglo-German “Astrological Wars”).


Aleister Crowley was convinced that he was the “Beast 666” – the sorcerer who would bring about the end of the Christian era.

(Note: He is considered the greatest magician of the 20th century. Of course, he must have been a Satanist).

He hailed the First World War as a “baptism of blood that would destroy the old.

But then he prophesied an even more catastrophic world war to come, and he himself began to indulge in “evil magic”.

He loses his social credibility as a result.

However, British military intelligence asked the old wizard for help.

It was Ian Fleming, the author of “007”, who lobbied the top brass for his services.

 Of course, he did not write down what he did with Crowley, but various evidence suggests the following.


Crowley first gathered witches from all over England and had them perform a witchcraft ritual to “stop Hitler from landing in England.

Dozens of witches’ gatherings were held during World War II.

There are several eyewitness accounts.

In the end, after such a furious blitzkrieg, Hitler did not take the invasion of the British mainland seriously.

The witches say that this was “exactly the same thing that happened to Napoleon.

(Note: You are trying to say that witchcraft stopped Germany from invading the British mainland. Whether you believe this or not is, of course, entirely up to you).


Next is the “V” sign.

This now famous sign was first used by Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II. It was first used by Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II, and in fact had a tremendous effect in boosting the morale of the Allied forces.

Crowley claims in his book that he is the creator of the “V Sign” or “Apophis and Typhon Sign. The “V-Sign” is an application of the magic of the pentagram.

V-sign” used in witchcraft. The silhouette would be “the devil”.


By the way, there was a genius astrologer in Germany at that time, Karl Ernst Kraft.

Several high-ranking Nazi officials were fascinated by him. Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels also took note of his amazing predictive abilities and selected him to be a member of the Propaganda Bureau.

Goebbels ordered Kraft to produce a pamphlet with a prophecy favorable to Germany based on Nostradamus’ “The Centuries”.

Goebbels believed that if he could convince the masses in Germany, where the occult was booming at the time, that the expansion of the Nazi Reich into their territory was based on Nostradamus’ prophetic poem and astrology, he could make them believe that the German military action was indeed “a mission given by God to the German people.


Goebbels (Note: Minister of Propaganda for Nazi Germany. He was responsible for mind control of the German people. He was in charge of mind control of the German people, so to speak, and was in charge of deceiving the people like Heizo Takenaka). Under the leadership of the “Natzis,” several propaganda pamphlets prepared in this way were published and distributed, translated into various languages, and became hidden bestsellers.

However, this was a rather painful task for Kraft, who was forced to write “false prophecies.


Kraft continued to be heavily used by Nazi officials, and Kraft continued to assign and direct many of the German military operations from astrology.

However, he had begun to foresee that the German victory would not last as long as it did.

He told us as early as 1940: “The Germans will be in the field from 1942-43 to 1943.

Germany will have a winning streak through the winter of 1942-43. But after that the star phase will be terrible, and an armistice should be made by the end of 1942.”

But this eerie prophecy fell silent. (Later, this statement would bring tragedy to Kraft himself.)


By the way, the British Army also employed a leading astrologer, Louis de Wall, as a member of its General Staff.

At the time, the British military was aware of the Nazi leaders’ devotion to the occult.

If the Germans used astrology to operate, they thought, the same astrological logic must be able to predict German operations. They began a project called the “Chillea Project” under the direction of Sir O. Sargent, the British Foreign Secretary.

They had Wall, an astrologer, read the Nazi operation backwards.

(Note: This is really a battle between witchcraft and witchcraft. (Note: This is really a battle between witchcraft and warfare, or a battle through disruption of information).

British Military Intelligence had a number of occultists at the time, including Dennis Whitley, who later became famous as a witchcraft novelist. (Note: They must also have been Satanists.)

Wall’s first task was to “reverse decode” the Nazi landings on the British mainland.

The decryption was a resounding success.

In the years that followed, Wall continued to decipher the astrological strategies of the enemy.

In August 1941, Wall presented his findings to the American Federation of Scientific Astrologers in Ohio, USA. At the meeting, Wall compared Hitler’s strategy to the stars, publicly stating that “Hitler has the best astrologer in Germany as a military advisor,” and also “reverse-engineered” the enemy’s future strategy.

The confrontation between Kraft and Wall would eventually unfold not only in the field of military strategy, but also in the field of propaganda.

Under the circumstances in which Kraft’s interpretation of Nostradamus, which was favorable to the Germans, was created by Kraft and disseminated in various countries, the British General Staff gave Wall the mission of creating and disseminating propaganda to oppose it.

Wall was to develop a strategy to influence public opinion in Germany. Wall developed a strategy to sway public opinion in Germany by sending a forged astrological calendar into the country.

At the time, Germany had a well-known astrological calendar called “Zenith. Wahl made an extremely elaborate forgery of the Zenith, filled it with a lot of negative information for the Germans, and distributed it in large quantities in Germany via Sweden.

The false “Zenith” was a great success. It reached a very large segment of the German population, and public unrest spread quietly.

The information contained in the false “Zenith” was as follows: “On April 4, if the captain’s horoscope is not good, he had better not go to sea.

On April 4, if the captain’s horoscope is not good, he should not go to sea.

On April 20, the worst will happen to the submarine!

These prophecies had enough effect to demoralize the crews of the U-boats, which at that time were the most powerful, state-of-the-art equipment and the pride of the German Armed Forces.

(Note: This is how the underworld tries to stir people’s hearts and minds by frequently releasing negative information. This is exactly the same MO of the Internet operatives and major media outlets that come to my door).

However, this “astrological war” came to an abrupt and strange end.

It was triggered by the “eccentricities” of Rudolf Hess, the Nazi deputy chancellor, who was said to be Hitler’s one-handed man.

On May 10, 1941, Hess suddenly rode alone into Scotland, England, and was arrested.

This took the world by surprise.

What in the world was Hess thinking when he made the foolish decision to enter an enemy country where he knew he would be arrested?

<Rudolf Hess>

Hess spent the rest of his life in a British prison (he died in August 1987), but the truth about his “eccentricities” was covered up by the British government and remains a mystery.

However, Hess said before his death that he was doing this “by the guidance of the stars.

He believed that his visit to England would bring about a “miracle” that would drastically change the course of the Great War.

(Note: It is believed that Rudolf Hess was in fact a spy sent by the British.)

In May 1941, he surprised the world by suddenly flying to England alone. The truth of his “eccentricity” remains a mystery.

Geopolitician Haushofer (Note: a man who had ties to the Kaiser faction. I will discuss this later) Dr. Hildebrandt, who wrote a biography of Hess and knew Hess well at the time, testified that (Hess was a student of Haushofer).

(Hess was a student of Haushofer.) “Hess came to believe that he had to do everything he could through astrology to change the will of the enemy immediately,” Dr. Hildebrandt testified. Hess came to believe that astrology had to do everything it could to quickly change the will of the enemy, because Hitler’s star phase becomes very evil at the end of April and into May. Hess became convinced that his mission was to “save Hitler and bring peace to Germany.

A former high-ranking Nazi official who fled to South America after the war had this to say about Rudolf Hess.

Hess believed that war with Great Britain must be avoided because he believed that the real enemy was not Great Britain but the Soviet Union.

He believed that the real enemy was not England but the Soviet Union.

So, he sought to create a situation in which Britain and Germany would work together against the Soviet Union. If British naval power and German land power were tightly combined, it was possible to defeat any enemy. In order to realize this, he flew to England himself. This was just before the outbreak of war between Germany and the Soviet Union.

(Note: Again, the Soviet Union and Germany were allies. Nevertheless, he tried to create a state of resistance against the Soviet Union. More proof than anything else that he was a British spy).

It seems that he had the odds stacked against him. Because at the time he was a member of a secret society, the Thule Society.

There was a sort of brother group of this society in England. It was called the Golden Dawn. One of their leading members was the Duke of Hamilton. Hess was close to him.

(Note: Why would a German military officer be close to a secret society in England, an enemy country? Because he was a British spy, of course).

Before leaving Germany, he approached the Duke of Hamilton.

The answer was positive. So, Hess left Germany and parachuted into England under cover of darkness.

But things did not go so well. Churchill intervened.

Of course, Churchill had the International Jewish Organization and the big bankers behind him. Hess was captured during the war, so he was definitely not a war criminal. But he was kept in solitary confinement long after the war because, like Eichmann, he knew too much about Jewish global strategy.”

(Note: Rudolf Hess was somehow not killed when he went to England. Moreover, he was found “not guilty” of “crimes against humanity” at the Nuremberg Trials after the war.

He was initially sentenced to life in prison for “conspiracy” and “crimes against peace,” but his family, politicians, and scholars kept asking the Allies to commute Hess’s sentence.

But the Soviet Union always refused. Only the Soviet Union would not tolerate Hess to the end. Of course. Hess was the one who tricked Hitler into fighting Germany and the Soviet Union).


Incidentally, there is a theory that it was Crowley who brought Rudolf Hess to England.

Crowley had a German astrologer make a fake horoscope and had British spies replace it with Hess’, which worked – according to The History of British Intelligence.

(Note: This section clearly shows that Hess was privy to the British).

Another researcher says that the person who directly gave astrological advice to Hess was a man called Strauss, who worked for him at the time as a member of the Bureau of Cultural and Political Affairs. He was arrested by the Gestapo shortly after Hess’s ‘eccentricities’.

(Note: this Strauss was probably also a British spy).

In any case, after the loss of Hess, Hitler’s mental sensibilities were no longer as brilliant as before, and coinciding with Kraft’s arrest, the German army lost its military fortunes.

On 31 January 1943, the German army, which had invaded the Soviet Union, was defeated at the Battle of Stalingrad and from then on was in rapid retreat.

 —————- (reprinted here)

Some of you may say that Rudolf Hess could not have been a British spy.

Then why did Rudolf Hess say, ‘The Soviet Union is Germany’s greatest enemy, and we must not attack Britain. We have to fight the Soviet Union”? And did he go into enemy Britain alone and try to create such a situation?

For all intents and purposes, we can only assume that it was because he was a spy.

But since many people in this world do not know that Germany and the Soviet Union were allies, they cannot come up with such an answer.

On the other hand, there was actually one person who kept advising Hitler not to attack the Soviet Union right up to the end. This man was Karl Haushofer, a geopolitician.

He was not just a geopolitician, he was a scholar. He was a member of a dubious Japanese secret society called the Green Dragon Society. The Green Dragon Society is an organization which

 —————- (The following is reprinted from ~Psalms~ The Island Universe is a Macrocosm)


The Green Dragon Society. A secret society that existed in pre-war Kyoto. The Green Dragon Society was a political secret society, a mysterious organization that brought Germany and Japan together behind the scenes to forge the Tripartite Pact and the German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact.

Some of its members are said to have travelled to pre-war Germany and helped found the Nazi Party.

Incidentally, Kyoto, the city of Kyoto, is a city with an arrangement of five elements and five colours, with Heian-kyo in the centre as yellow (gold), black in the north as Genbu, red in the south as Suzaku, blue in the east as Seiryu and white in the west as Byakko, which are the four gods.

Thus, in pre-war Kyoto, the Black Dragon Society was located in the north and the Green Dragon Society, associated with the Nazis, in the east. In Japan, green is represented as blue.

On the other hand, the Nazi Hakenkreuz, known as the swastika, was a symbol of fourfold rule around the center, but the Green Dragon Society is said to have turned the swastika into an inverted swastika through a mirror image reversal of Shintoism, making it the symbol of the Nazi party.

 —————- (reprinted here)

A famous conspiracy theorist often talks about the ‘Black Dragon Society’ or the ‘White Dragon Society’, but the ‘Green Dragon Society’ is a similar organization.

The famous conspiracy theorist says that only the White Dragon Society is on the side of the people, but I don’t believe that story at all. They are all similar anyway.

Anyway, there seems to be no doubt that this ‘Green Dragon Society’ had something to do with Heian-kyo (i.e. the Kyoto Imperial Palace).

So, it is clearly a faction of the ‘Emperor Faction’.

Karl Haushofer, who was a member of this ‘Emperor Faction’ organization, often advised Hitler not to attack the Soviet Union. This is not surprising as the Soviet Union and Germany are also ‘Kaiserfaction’ countries.

However, Hitler did not accept this advice and eventually attacked the Soviet Union.

A detailed account of this is given below.

<Karl Haushofer>

—————- (The following is reprinted from The Unhappy Relationship Between Nazis and Tibet)

Karl Haushofer was a leading German geopolitician.

The term “geopolitics” was a twist on the British imperialist Sir Halford Mackinder’s justification of colonial expansionism. Haushofer was a general who achieved many military victories in World War I. After the war, he became a professor of geopolitics at the University of Munich. He was also the director of the Munich Institute for Geopolitics.

Haushofer was more than a prominent geopolitician. He also had esoteric tendencies.

(Note: Of course, he was also a Satanist.)

Beginning in 1908, he spent several years in Japan as a military officer.

During this time, he studied Zen.

Prior to his arrival in Japan, he was involved in intelligence work in India and Tibet.

He claimed to have received profound teachings from a Lama monk in Tibet.

(Note: There you go. This Tibetan is a very peculiar person.)

He founded a secret society in Berlin called the Vril Society.

The purpose of this society was to search for the roots of the Aryan race and to conduct intensive spiritual training to invoke the energy of “Vril,” the Hindu equivalent of Kundalini energy.

(Note: This “Vril Association” is similar to Aum Shinrikyo in what it does. It is a very shady organization.)

Haushofer claimed to be associated with a Tibetan society that possessed the secrets of “superhumans” and had literally accepted British author and mystic Bulwer Lytton’s book on the future superhuman race, “The Coming Race.

(Note: This book, “The Coming Race,” is also a volatile one. I will write about it in due course).

Haushofer, a professor at the University of Munich, had a fateful meeting in Landsberg Prison with Adolf Hitler, who had been captured in 1923 after the failed Munich Beer Hall Riot.

The meeting was arranged through Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s one-handed man and a student of the professor at the University of Munich.

Haushofer visited Hitler daily, telling him that Jewish domination of Germany must be broken and that the whole world must be ruled by a superior Germanic race. He also instilled in Hitler the idea of world domination through the occult.

(Note: It was Haushofer who taught Hitler the NWO plan.)

He then encouraged Hitler to write Mein Kampf and became a co-author. (Hitler was in prison until December 20, 1924, but his treatment was extremely lenient. ) “Mein Kampf was written during this time.

Haushofer thus served as Hitler’s political advisor in the 1920s.

At the same time, he became Hitler’s second “esoteric advisor” after Dietrich Eckardt, the mastermind behind the “Thule Society”.

He became director of the “German Institute for General Warfare.

His journal, “Geopolitical Review,” was used by the Nazi regime as the basis for its policies and theories.


Most of Haushofer’s books are about Japan, but why Japan?

According to Haushofer, he was very interested in the mysterious sense of unity among the Japanese. The Japanese, he says, have a telepathic sensitivity to any threat to their insular existence.

This sense of unity was lacking in Germany. This could be seen in how the Nazis went to great lengths in their propaganda to collectivize the German nation.

He also thought that if the 20th century was to be the liberation of Atlantic culture from its suffocation, it was only natural that the breathing space of the Pacific should be a pillar of it. He felt that it was a visionary move on the part of the United States and Great Britain to turn from an Atlantic nation to a Pacific nation through colonial policies.

Since Germany at that time was late in the race to divide the Pacific among the Western powers, he considered the movement of Japan, which he regarded as a geopolitical “high-pressure system” in the Pacific, as an important part of Germany’s strategy for future expansion into the Pacific.

(Note: What do you mean by “Japan as a geopolitical ‘high-pressure system’ in the Pacific”? Be careful when you find such incomprehensible explanations. There is something behind it. Of course, it means “Japan should be the center of the NWO”).

He went on to claim that the origins of the Japanese people can be traced to “sea nomads” in the South Pacific, and that their first nation was founded in the Seto Inland Sea region.

The “creation” of various places in the Pacific Ocean region, he says, confirms this.

(Note: They mean to say that the roots of the Japanese people can be found on “Awaji Island,” which was first created by Izanagi and Izanami).

He further speculated that the Pacific Ocean was once the “central basin” and that the maritime peoples, the ancestors of the Japanese, had established a cohesive cultural sphere from the islands of India to the Pacific coast of America.

(Note: Are they referring to the continent of Mu?)

Haushofer also understood Japan’s move toward World War II.

He would affirm part of Nobuyuchi Sato’s “plan for world domination”.

(Note: If you are an “Emperor Faction”, of course you would affirm it. You want to create a Japan-centered NWO).

For example, expansion into Manchuria was a wise strategy because of Japan’s “telepathic ability to sense any danger to the Japanese people’s sphere of life”.

He even argued that Japan should build its power by forming an economic bloc with Manchuria and eventually become the leader of the “monsoon countries,” including China and India, to achieve independence and development. He was a geopolitical theoretical prop for Japan’s “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” idea, which came from Germany at that time.

But to what end? Contemporary critical scholars of Haushofer also make that point.

Yasunobu Somura, in his book “An Introduction to Geopolitics,” writes

Why did he, a German army officer, give up his day job to devote his heart and soul to the geopolitics of the Pacific? This is, after all, a kind of mystery that is difficult to solve.

(Note: I would like to tell you that it was because he was an “Εmperor Faction.)


He emphasized that Japan should look to the Pacific rather than the continent, but at the same time he believed that geopolitically it was imperative for Japan and Germany to ally with the Soviet Union.

(Note: There it is. So, there was a movement under the surface to get Germany, the Soviet Union, and Japan to ally with each other. And that movement was successful. But then Hitler broke it up.)


Finally, regarding the “Green Dragon Society” that Haushofer is said to have joined in Japan, it is said that members of the Green Dragon Society were required to commit ritual suicide if they failed in the mission assigned to them as individuals. In fact, this is exactly what Haushofer did after failing the Nazi “mission.

On March 10, 1946, after the fall of Nazi Germany, Haushofer died by poison (arsenic) with his wife by his side. (Some researchers claim that Haushofer committed “harakiri” (suicide by harakiri) in the Japanese style, but the veracity of this claim has not been established).

There is no cross or gravestone at his burial site. All the secrets he kept disappeared with his death. Haushofer must have seen how Hitler gradually strayed from his intended direction and ran amok, and must have deeply regretted giving him “knowledge”.

 —————- (Reprinted here)

In this way, it seems safe to assume that even Hitler was not properly informed of the machinations of the underworld.

He was just another puppet of the underworld.

If this is the case, then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must be the same. He too may have little or no knowledge of the true intentions of the “Emperor Faction” and is simply doing what his superiors tell him to do.

If this is the case, it is truly pathetic.

I hope you will wake up after reading this blog.

In any case, it seems clear that Germany’s defeat by the British in WWII was due to a distraction by the British.

Hitler was so caught up in the distraction that he lost sight of himself.

I felt that I had caught a glimpse of the fact that the battle between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” is always fought through such information warfare.

Moreover, I believe that today’s history has solved all the mysteries of the Second World War.

Why did Hitler attack the Soviet Union or invade Africa when there was no way to win?

Because that has been a great mystery to many historians and history buffs.

But the final mystery that remains is whether Hitler really committed suicide or whether he fled to Argentina as some rumors suggest.

Some people believe that Hitler’s escape to Argentina was actually a double for Hitler, but what do we really know?

What is clear is that Argentina is a “pro-emperor” country. This is because Argentina’s flag proudly depicts the “sun”.

Yet, would the “Emperor’s Faction” people allow Hitler, who betrayed the “Emperor’s Faction,” to escape to the “Emperor’s Faction” country?

So, in the next issue, I would like to explore the mystery of Tibet, which is truly dubious.


-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


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