How far will the Illuminati card prophecy come true?

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 1 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Kenji Goto, who was kidnapped by the Islamic State, has finally been killed.
This will make Japanese politicians and the media increasingly hate the Islamic State.
And they will drag the Japanese people into the maelstrom of war.
Of course, Shinzo Abe will be bashed by the media and academics as incompetent for failing to negotiate properly with the terrorists.
From now on he will play Hitler more and more seriously.
In other words, he will throw Japan into the fight against Islamic State.
Or rather, he had already begun to play this role when Yukawa was killed. ……
Nikkan Gendai|Using the killing of hostages as an excuse… Prime Minister Abe suggested on NHK that the Self-Defence Forces should be sent in.
Surprisingly, many Japanese still believe that this ‘Islamic State’ is the real Islam.
But all wars in this world are due to the power struggle between the ‘Vatican’ and the ‘Emperor’.
It may be hard to believe, but this is the truth of this world.
The world is based on the struggle between the Emperor = Rothschild and the Vatican = Rockefeller.
The Cold War was a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor.
But the two sides have long been at odds.
Both camps have been fighting a bloody battle and are now on the verge of collapsing together.
The economic collapse of Russia (the Tsar) and the USA (the Papacy) tells more than anything else.
That is why they want to start a big war here and settle it clearly.
So, the ‘papists’ have created a fake Islamic extremist organization called ‘Islamic State’ and want it to run rampant in the Middle East.
The ‘Emperor Faction’ then sent Shinzo Abe to the Middle East and disbursed 200 million dollars to various countries in the name of defeating the ‘Islamic State’.
Thus, the papists can now wage war under the mask of the Islamic State and the Emperor’s Faction under the mask of Japan.
The stage is now set, so to speak.
The following is an article for reference.
—————- (reproduced below from the political blog of philosopher Gyotaro Yamazaki)
Yesterday, a statement was apparently issued by someone claiming to be Kenji Goto’s wife.
The statement appears to have been discussed with and approved by Abe’s office.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan further revealed that Mr Goto and the Abe Prime Minister’s Office have been in close contact since the end of last year (November), i.e. since Kenji Goto was taken hostage by the Islamic State and a ransom of 1 billion yen was demanded.
This means that both Prime Minister Abe’s visit to the Middle East and the ‘$200 million aid to countries fighting terrorism’ mentioned there were made with the Islamic State hostage crisis in mind. In other words, Prime Minister Abe went to the Middle East after learning the details of the ransom negotiations for Yukawa and Goto, who had been held hostage since last year.
In other words, Prime Minister Abe’s $200 million aid was neither humanitarian nor refugee aid. It was clearly ‘counter-terrorism aid’ aimed at ‘destroying the Islamic State’. Of course, this is not to say that $200 million in counter-terrorism aid is bad. Even if we declared that we would work with the US to ‘fight terrorism’ against the Islamic State, I would not say that this is wrong.
That is a decision for the Japanese people and the elected Abe government to make.
But what I would like to point out is that Prime Minister Abe has deliberately embarked on a tour of Middle Eastern countries to pick a fight with the Islamic State.
The Abe government has so far tried to stay in power by picking fights with China and South Korea.
This time, the Abe government may have tried to stay in power by picking a fight with the Islamic State.
During his trips abroad to Middle Eastern countries, Prime Minister Abe declared war on the Islamic State, knowing that Japanese citizens were being held hostage and that ransom was being negotiated.
In August last year, it was revealed that a certain Yukawa was being held hostage by the Islamic State.
Since then, the Abe government and its fringe parties have consistently responded to the Islamic State issue with a “high-handed” and “belligerent” attitude, with the “war on terror” in mind. The outbreak of the Hokkaido University student incident and the related police raids on former Doshisha University associate professor Ko Nakata and journalist Kosuke Tsuneda, among others.
These too appear to be unrelated to the current series of hostage-taking incidents.
In other words, the Islamic State hostage crisis, which has become an international problem, was an incident that was bound to happen.
—————- (reprinted here)
The author of this article also writes with the full conviction that the Islamic State are genuine Muslims.
But let’s not get into that right now.
Apart from that, what is written here is very important. It clearly states that Abe’s purpose for throwing money around in the Middle East is to wipe out Islamic State.
In other words, he has given away up to 200 million dollars to make friends who will wipe out the ‘papists’, or to make those who have already become friends work harder.
In other words, they have been plotting to expand the power of the ‘Emperor Faction’. This is exactly what I wrote about in my article the other day.
The Abe government has spent a total of 70 trillion yen abroad in the past two years. The depressing reality is that our blood money is being used to expand the power of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’.
I also found this article.
Guerrillas on the Internet have written interesting stories.
Kenji Goto’s wife, whose fluent English has been featured in the media.
She is a graduate of Tokyo University and an elite employee of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). I knew that much, but she is actually a returnee, having “grown up in Amman in the Middle East until the age of 12”.
Amman, of course, is the capital of Jordan.
Is the father a diplomat or something else?
A hostage held by Islamic State has been sending a series of emails to his wife in Japan…
On 29 January, his wife received an email ‘asking her to take Rishawi, who is on death row, to the Turkish border’.
His wife is an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo and currently works for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at JICA.
In other words, her husband’s email is a report/request email to the Foreign Ministry – a trap.
This is because the ‘email requesting that Rishawi’s death row prisoners be taken to the Turkish border’ is not an email to his wife – it is an email to his wife.
Incidentally, the former senior deputy minister of the Foreign Ministry is in the Prime Minister’s Office and is the director-general of Japan’s version of the NSA.
His name is also Shotaro Taniuchi!
Kenji Goto. This person is also two for two with the Islamic State, two for two with the Foreign Ministry and two for two with Jordan.
He is probably also double-dealing with CIA and Mossad officials involved in special operations against Islamic State.
How many double agents does this make?
But the real mission is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, where my wife works.
It is clear! Kenji Goto is a competent agent of the special agency of the Japanese state. (Ichiro Iiyama)
—————- (Reprinted here)
According to the article, Mr Goto is linked to the Islamic State, the Foreign Office, Jordan and the Mossad.
But Mr Goto is not a multiple spy.
This is because the Islamic State, the Foreign Ministry, Jordan and the Mossad are all connected behind the scenes.
They are all under the Vatican, known as the ‘papacy’.
According to the scenario, Mr Goto entered Syria in close contact with the Islamic State, the Foreign Ministry, Jordan and the Mossad.
He then pretended to have been kidnapped by Islamic State.
And now he has been killed.
So, he will live in this world as a different person.
Or rather, the ‘journalist Kenji Goto’ he used to call himself was a fictional character. ……
It’s like the world of the TV drama ’24’.
Anyway, my article about Mr Goto being Korean also seems to have gone viral.
Surprisingly, a lot of people seem to have accepted it easily.
It was also well received on Yahoo Chiebukuro.
One reader told us.
Kenji Goto is a South Korean national living in Japan who does not have Japanese citizenship. – Yahoo!
The following is an excerpt from the above link
The mother and son are South Korean.
She is a South Korean resident in Japan because she lives in Japan.
Kenji Goto’s mother herself confessed at a press conference that she is a ‘Zainichi Korean from Masan’.
Zainichi people continue to insist on their passports, but this is exactly what the zainichi want.
Don’t let Kenji Goto fool you.
It just means that he married a Japanese woman called Jogo, so he is a naturalised Japanese citizen and has a Japanese passport.
Kenji Goto is a Korean living in Japan who, together with his mother, engages in anti-Japanese activities day after day, night after night.
He is a third-rate Zainichi agent.
Don’t be fooled by his passport.
So, the ‘papists’ sent Mr Goto to Syria to threaten the Japanese government and have him kidnapped by the Islamic State.
The Emperor Faction angered the terrorists by having Prime Minister Abe distribute funds to them in the Middle East.
The ‘Emperor’s Faction’ also staged failed negotiations with the terrorists, fueling their anger.
The kidnapping of Japanese citizens by the Islamic State could be a stepping stone to World War III.
This has created a mood that the Islamic State could attack Japan at any time.
Prime Minister Abe will use this mood as a shield to press ahead with military expansion.
The Islamic State is getting more and more angry at Prime Minister Abe’s moves (or the pretence of moves), and they might actually do something like 9/11 in Japan.
So, I have been thinking a lot about what on earth they could do in Japan.
Then yesterday a reader pointed me to this video.
――(*)The link has expired.
As this video shows, much of what is described in The Illuminati Card has happened in the past.
For example, 9/11 and 3/11.
This can be easily found on the internet.
So, this ‘Illuminati Card’ is not just a prophecy card.
It is a card with underworld plans for the future.
And among them was a card that could be taken to mean that there will be a nuclear explosion in ‘Yokohama’.
The video talks about the many nuclear research centers in Yokohama and the presence of a US nuclear aircraft carrier in Yokohama harbor.
It goes on to say that these will eventually cause a major accident.
Many experts say that these nuclear facilities are easy targets for terrorism.
In other words, it is safe to say that if the Islamic State were to cause something like 9/11 in Japan, it is likely that they would also cause a catastrophe like a nuclear accident in order to reduce the population of our goyim.
In the past, the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant happened in the former Soviet Union.
Perhaps this was another attack by the ‘papists’ on the ‘tsarists’.
At least I think so.
In fact, this accident led to the downfall of the USSR and its eventual collapse.
So, the USSR changed its name to Russia and went from being a communist to a capitalist country.
This, of course, meant that Russia moved from ‘imperialist’ to ‘papist’ rule.
This is because the ‘imperialists’ are communists, and the ‘popes’ are capitalists.
The Cold War was a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor.
However, Putin emerged and prevented Rockefeller control of Russia. ……
So, Putin is now highly revered by conspiracy theorists.
But of course, Putin is no hero.
He is simply a puppet of the ‘imperialists’.
And both ‘papists’ and ‘czarists’ are Satanists who worship the same devil.
Therefore, Putin is still a pawn of the evil one.
Suzuki Muneo became a politician with the Soka vote. Xi Jinping may also be a graduate of Soka University; the BRICS have turned out to be black everywhere.
But Yokohama is not the only city on the Illuminati map. As you may know, Ginza also appears.

Ginza Wako clock tower
Incidentally, Ginza was also bombed by the US during the Second World War.
So, it might be fair to say that the Papists are likely to raid Ginza again.
Of course, it is up to you whether you think this is my fantasy or not.
But at least ostensibly Japan has become a target of the Islamic State, so the setup is now complete.
Few people will be able to laugh this off as an illusion.
The following is a message from the Islamic State.
—————- (reproduced below from the Asahi Shimbun)
Japanese government.
Like our foolish allies who form the evil ‘Coalition of the Willing’, you still do not understand that we are the Caliphate with authority and power blessed by Allah.
All our armies are hungry for your blood.
Abe (Prime Minister), by your reckless decision to join an unwinnable war, this knife will not only kill Kenji, but also your people, wherever they are.
The nightmare for Japan has begun.
—————- (reprinted here)
What can we call this without calling it a declaration of war?
I would say that the footsteps of war are approaching.
I feel that the reality of this world has been mixed up with the world of comics.
But of course, everything that happens before our eyes is real.
Demons have made various war films and war cartoons in Hollywood and Japan.
They did not make them out of their imagination.
They just made films and animations of what they did in the past.
Or conversely, just as they make films and animations, the reality of this world is also created by scenario writers.
So, the two can be said to be similar or the same.
Cool Japan is propaganda to counter Hollywood and brainwash people around the world into believing that Japan is the center of the world.
But make no mistake.
It is not the Islamic State that we should hate, but the Satanists, the ‘Emperorists’ and the ‘Papists’.
We must remember this.
The Islamic State is just a shadow of the papacy, and the Japanese government that opposes it is also a shadow of the papacy.
By the way, if you want to know more about the Illuminati card, please visit the following website.
The amount of information on this site is considerable.
You may also find some inspiration on this site.
Update: Complete Illuminati Cards Summary and Explanation [now 546 cards] – NAVER Summary
(*)The link has expired.
We must sincerely pray for the Satanists to be judged and destroyed by the hand of God, and to spread truthful information.