The existence of the underground city of Shambala.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 1 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
In two articles, one the day before yesterday and the other yesterday, I talked about how Nazi Germany was burdened with the Japan-centered NWO project promoted by the “Emperor Faction” and how it lost the battle against the “Papal Faction.
The relationship between Hitler and the occult. Or the shadow of the “Emperor Faction” hiding behind Hitler.
The real reason why Nazi Germany lost the war. Or about the “Green Dragon Society” that manipulated Hitler.
Hitler joined hands with the “Emperor’s Faction” and started the war to realize his NWO plan centering on Japan.
However, he lost himself due to the information disruption by the “papists” and finally destroyed the plans of the “Emperor’s Faction”.
Probably, a person like Hitler, who is being used as a frame by the underworld, should have more opportunities to be distracted by the enemy.
Thus, in the worst case, it is often difficult to know clearly what is right and what is wrong.
In Hitler’s case, he should have listened to the “Kaiser faction” to the end.
But he had spies from the “Papists” mixed in with his own men, and they told him, “You must not attack the British. We must attack the Soviet Union. Otherwise, Germany will be defeated. “
Ordinarily, anybody would feel anxious to be told such a thing.
And this fear reached such an extreme level that they stopped listening to the “Emperor’s Faction” when they were told not to attack the Soviet Union.
In fact, they probably began to suspect that anyone who talked to them about it was their own enemy.
Perhaps Japanese prime ministers are also regularly subjected to this kind of distraction.
Agents of the “papists” pose as “emperors” and lie about “this is the emperor’s order” or something like that to confuse and disturb the minds so that the “emperors'” plans are not realized.
There are people who often come to my office to try to disrupt the situation.
I am sure that the current Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, is usually swarmed by many more agents.
In researching Hitler’s life, I feel that I have somehow been able to see through this kind of underworld reality.
So let me come to today’s main topic.
As I announced yesterday, today I want to get to the bottom of the dubious Tibetan mystery.
As I wrote yesterday, Nazi Germany was deeply involved with the “Green Dragon Society,” a Japanese secret society.
And both these Nazis and the “Green Dragon Society” were quite deeply involved with Tibet.
(For more information, click here.)
————– (The following is reprinted from The Unhappy Relationship Between Nazis and Tibet)
By the end of April 1945, Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, lay in ruins. Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, lies in ruins, strewn with rubble and corpses.
Hitler’s bloody ambitions were crushed before an all-out Allied assault, and six years of abject madness were nearly over.
Allied tanks rolled through the heavily bombed city, sending a cloud of dust into the air.
If they caught a glimpse of what looked like a German soldier, they fired without mercy.
Soviet fighter planes flew overhead, constantly monitoring developments on the ground.
That day, Allied soldiers were patrolling a crumbling building in the East Berlin area.
They were trying to find German soldiers hiding in the building and went through the crumbling rooms one by one.
They raided a room on the first floor where they found seven bodies of what appeared to be German soldiers with SS markings.
It was a common sight.
The only unusual thing was that the six bodies were lying in a circle with one body in the middle.
They tried to walk past.
But then one of the soldiers noticed that something was wrong with the bodies and stopped his companions.
They looked again at the bodies of the seven men. The man lying on his back in the center of the circle had his hands clasped tightly together as if in prayer. His hands were covered with eerie “green gloves.
But what surprised them most was that the man’s face was unmistakably Oriental, even Tibetan.
It was not just the man in the center. The men around him were also Tibetan, though in German uniform.
What on earth is this ……?”
The Allied soldiers were speechless at the inexplicable scene before them.
All that was clear was that the Tibetans had not been killed, but had committed some kind of ritual suicide.
None of the bodies were wearing German uniforms, but they had no identity cards or papers. The bodies lay in an orderly fashion on the ground, each with a ceremonial dagger in its stomach.
The incident led to the discovery of hundreds of Tibetan corpses all over Berlin.
Even after the day of Hitler’s alleged suicide, there were units in Berlin that stubbornly resisted to the end.
(The fighting at the communications center in Berlin was particularly fierce, with everything being knocked down and a last desperate defense being made).
The bodies of 1,000 soldiers found in the ruins of this communications center were Tibetan.
They were not Hitler’s personal guard or entourage, but they fought for their lives to the end.
This is a widely known fact described in Cornelius Ryan’s “Hitler’s Last Battle”.
What in the world were Tibetans doing in Berlin during World War II? What was the connection between Nazi Germany and Tibet? The mystery only deepened.
And Adolf Hitler, the greatest man who was supposed to hold the key to this mystery, disappeared with the fall of the Nazi Reich, leaving no clues to solve the mystery of the Tibetan corpses.
After the war, however, as research into the “shadow side” of the Nazi regime progressed, a surprising fact came to light.
—————- (reprinted here.)
What on earth was the relationship between the Nazis and Tibet?
We mentioned yesterday that Karl Haushofer was the person who connected the Nazis with the Japanese secret society, the Green Dragon Society.
During his lifetime, Karl Haushofer was an avid reader of a certain book, but the book was actually quite obscure.
However, this book is actually quite a strange book.
————- (The following is reprinted from The Enchanted Relationship Between Nazis and Tibet)
Karl Haushofer became obsessed with a book called The Coming Race.
He lent the book to Hitler who, as expected, was also fascinated by it.
The Coming Race” is a science fiction novel written by British author Bulwer Lytton in 1871.
The story had a decisive influence on Hitler’s world view.
The book played a pivotal role in linking the Tibetan “Shambhala legend” to the Nazis.
What exactly is the novel “The Coming Race” about?
In a word, it is a story about the secrets of a highly civilized society that flourished underground.
The Vril Ya, the subterranean race depicted in the novel, were originally part of the people who lived on the surface of the Earth.
However, fleeing natural disasters such as a great flood, they took refuge in caves in the mountains and eventually built a city in the depths of the earth.
There they discovered a vast unknown energy called “vril power” and began to make full use of a super-science far more advanced than that of the humans on the surface.
They also began to develop psychic abilities based on the Vril Power.
Of course, these people do not intend to live underground forever.
They say that when a certain time comes, they intend to return to the surface to destroy the surface people and dominate the entire planet.
The author, Bulwer-Lytton, ended his story as a warning to humanity, with the wish that the appearance of these terrible people on Earth be delayed as long as possible.
When “The Coming of the Nations” was first published, there was much debate among members of the Golden Dawn, a secret society in England, about the authenticity of the story.
The author, Bulwer-Lytton, insisted that the story was fiction.
However, Bulwer-Lytton himself was steeped in mysticism and was a member of the Rosicrucian Order.
Therefore, many members of the Golden Dawn believed that Bulwer-Lytton must have had actual contact with subterranean superhumans.
One of the original members of the German chapter of the Golden Dawn was Karl Haushofer.
As a member of the General Staff, he had visited India, Asia and Japan during his military career.
During this time, he had studied Asian mysticism in depth and had gained knowledge of the “Shamballa Legend”.
He was Germany’s leading expert on “geopolitics.
He added his own ideas to “geopolitics” and was heavily used as a basis for the policies and theories of the Nazi regime.
Haushofer states that the Underground Kingdom (Agartha) is “a place of meditation, a hidden city of God, a place that no human being in the world can enter.
Its capital, Shambhala, he says, is “a city whose power commands individuals and groups and helps humanity reach a turning point in time.
Haushofer also believed that the Central Asian region centered on Agartha was the birthplace of the Germanic peoples.
He came to assert that the ultimate goal of the Germans was to free the world from Jewish domination by completely dominating this region (the heartland) and thus achieving world domination by the Germanic peoples.
He emphasized that whoever controls the “heartland” from a geopolitical standpoint will be the hegemon of the world.
(Note: I mentioned yesterday that Karl Hanshofer promoted the Japan-centered NWO plan. And this is the man who, for some reason, believed very seriously in the existence of a highly civilized underground kingdom called Agartha).
In this respect, Bulwer-Lytton’s “The Coming Race” coincided with the beliefs he had acquired in Asia.
In other words, he was convinced that the underground “Vril Ya” and the Aryans shared a common ancestor and therefore had the ability to harness the “Vril Power”, the source of all their life force.
Based on this belief, an organization called the “Vril Society” was formed.
Haushofer was a member of this organization and played an important role. The goal of the Vril Society was to develop technology to control Vril.
He believed in the Coming-of-Age idea that whoever could control Vril at will would conquer the world.
We have already mentioned that Haushofer’s fateful meeting with Hitler took place in Landsberg Prison after World War I.
It was at this time that Haushofer lent Hitler a copy of The Coming Race.
As Hitler turned the pages in his cell, he is said to have felt a strong sense of excitement. When Haushofer’s commentary informed Hitler that the novel was based on fact, he believed that it was none other than the “coming peoples” described in the novel.
Furthermore, in 1925, “Beasts, Men and Gods” was published by F. Ossendowski, a Polish geographer who had explored Central Asia.
And Hitler’s conviction of the existence of subterranean superhumans remained firm.
Hitler ordered scholars to study the life of the author, Bulwer Litton, in detail.
Hitler had them determine the exact location of the mine where Bulwer-Lytton supposedly discovered the shaft leading to “Vril Ya,” as well as the date and time of his visit.
Meanwhile, Hitler received many Tibetan monks in Berlin who were said to have deep connections with Shambhala.
He wanted them to support his military policies through the vril techniques they would inherit.
They were placed throughout Berlin and held ceremonies to pray for Nazi victory. And Hitler himself often sought the opinion of high-ranking priests in furthering his policies. It is also said that Hitler used special Tibetan esoteric cards to create a kind of ease when launching military actions.
This method was used by the Thule Society, the parent organization of the Nazi Party.
Hitler is said to have been proficient in this method of divination.
(Note: This “Thule Society” is, of course, also a secret society organized by Satanists).
Also, in order to support the Aryan-Tibetan origin theory, the “Sven Hedin Society” was established under the umbrella of the Nazi Science Academy “Arnenelbe” and sent a research team to Tibet.
—————- (reprinted to here)
I am sure that some of you have heard legends about an underground city called “Shambhala.
I too have heard such stories many times.
But I never paid any attention to it because I thought, “There’s no way such a thing could exist.
Or rather, this is what a normal person would do.
But for some reason, Hitler believed in the existence of this underground city very seriously, and he had conducted a serious investigation into this underground city.
Furthermore, as mentioned in the article above, he welcomed Tibetan monks to Germany and held a ceremony with them to pray for the victory of the Nazis because of their deep connection to Shambhala.
Of course, this ritual would be nothing less than devil worship.
So, after Germany lost the war, a number of dead Tibetans were found in Germany. Well, what a spooky story.
Because of this fact, many people in this world believe in the existence of this underground city called “Shambhala.
But for some reason, most of them talk about “Shambhala” as if it were a utopia for humanity.
At least, there are not many sites on the Internet that write negatively about Shambhala.
There are a few sites that deny the existence of Shambhala itself.
However, among those who believe in the existence of this “Shambhala,” there are not many who speak negatively about this “Shambhala.
Rather, most of them, for some reason, claim that “Shambhala” is a symbol of peace, as if it were an ideal world where God lives. It is as if it were a religion.
But is this “Shambhala” really the ideal world they think it is?
The answer seems to be no.
But it is precisely because the answer is “no” that Hitler became enamored with the legend of Shambhala.
————- (The following is reprinted from The Enchanted Relationship Between Nazis and Tibet)
In 1937, under the Nazi regime in Germany, a shocking account of an expedition was published that overturned the conventional, benign view of Shambhala.
The record of this shocking experience was widely reported by radio and newspapers in many countries.
In the same year it was published as a book by a German publishing house.
The author was the German explorer Theodor Irion.
In the early 1930s, when it was illegal for foreigners to enter Tibetan territory, he was one of the few Westerners to set foot in this mysterious land.
In 1932, Theodore Irion embarked on a “Tibetan Expedition Project” and entered Tibet alone in 1934.
He disguised himself as a Tibetan by dyeing his face and hair brown and infiltrated from southeastern Russia, fearing he would be killed if anyone discovered he was a foreigner.
His goal was to discover “Shambala,” the legend of paradise in Tibet.
He traveled in solitude for two years in search of an underground city in Tibet, and finally heard that there was an underground city in the Sampo Valley.
However, the villagers all advised him to stay away from there.
Don’t go to the mysterious valley. My friend went there by accident, and when he came back he couldn’t speak. And I’ve lost three years of age. It’s a terrible place. You shouldn’t go there.
But when told to go there, the explorer’s curiosity was aroused. Ignoring the villagers’ advice, Theodore Irion quickly entered the Sampo Valley (also known as the “Mysterious Valley”).
When he reached the end of Sampo Valley, he found three huge rock walls lined up side by side, and when he walked between the walls, he found what looked like a large ventilation hole in the center.
In the center of the vent were seven wooden shelves arranged at equal intervals in a circle with a radius of about 100 meters.
Soon after, a group of Tibetans in crude cotton robes emerged from the underground doorway above ground.
Theodore Irion said he was led down the stairs into the underground holy city by an expressionless woman with “zombie-like eyes.
She explained that this underground city had about 100 inhabitants, he said. The next day, he was able to make contact with a person of the highest rank who called himself the “Prince of Light”.
This man, she said, was tall and had a long white beard hanging down.
However, Theodore Irion gradually determined that this underground city was not the holy city of Shamballa, but a land of “dark spirits” who were cannibalistic and stole human souls, and he made a desperate escape.
He overcame many difficulties and miraculously returned alive after two years of infiltration in Tibet (1936).
He stayed in the underground city for only three days, but those three days were said to be the equivalent of several decades of his life.
Theodore Irion’s book, in which he recounted his horrific experiences in Tibet, caused a stir in Europe at the time and gave rise to the “Shamballa demon kingdom” theory.
Shambala was not a “paradise of God” as commonly imagined, but a world of fallen angels.
However, this “Shamballa demon kingdom” theory did not last long.
For 50 years, from 1941 to 1991, the book was kept sealed in the British Museum, missing the opportunity to be translated in many countries.
(* In 1991, David Childress, a world-renowned American explorer, unearthed the book from the British Museum and reprinted it for the first time in 50 years.)
One theory is that it was Theodor Irion’s account of his expedition that prompted Hitler to go to Tibet.
However, as we have already seen, Hitler’s interest in Tibet was strongly influenced by Haushofer and existed before Theodor Irion’s appearance.
The publication of Theodor Irion’s expedition coincided with the time when the Nazis came to power.
It was also the time when Hitler was organizing Tibetan expeditions every year.
Therefore, some people believe that Theodor Irion’s information was “false information” (information manipulation) that Hitler, who wanted to monopolize Shambala, had planted in the world.
The truth is shrouded in mystery.
—————- (reprinted to here)
An ordinary person would lose interest in the Shambhala legend as soon as he or she read this book by Theodore Irion.
In fact, they would probably never go near Tibet again.
Hitler, however, became more and more absorbed in Tibet after reading Theodore Irion’s book and became more and more enthusiastic about researching Tibet.
Of course, no normal person would honestly believe such a story.
Of course, no one would honestly believe that Hitler was that stupid. That is why the writer of the above article also doubts the veracity of this story.
However, we all know that Hitler was a Satanist.
And as you can see from this article, this “Shamballa” is obviously deeply connected to Satanism.
In fact, one might even suspect that this “Shambhala” is the birthplace of Satanism, if it is the birthplace of Satanism.
That is why Hitler (and Karl Haushofer) became so obsessed with the Shambhala legend.
And I suspect that he became so obsessed with investigating Shambhala that he also began communicating with Tibetan monks.
Of course, the same is true of the Tibetan monks.
It is precisely because they were Satanists that they got along with Hitler, who was also a Satanist, and decided to join forces with Nazi Germany.
If the Tibetan monks were as good as we think they are, there is no way they would have joined forces with such evil people as the Nazis.
Furthermore, this “Shambhala.
The internal structure of this “Shambhala” is rumored to be roughly as follows

People have different ways of explaining things, but I will leave the detailed explanation for next time, as it would take too long to talk about.
Anyway, they say that the inside of the earth is actually hollow, and that there is an underground city called “Shamballa” in the hollow.
They also say that the city is in a four-dimensional space and is quite large.
Even more amazingly, they say that a giant sun shines in the center of this hollow.
If you are a reader of this blog, the word “sun” should immediately ring a bell.
When I heard this story, I suddenly had to wonder if the “sun” used as a symbol by the “Emperor Faction” was not that sun floating in space, but the sun that exists inside this earth.
And that is very possible.
And it is an “underground” city.
I have written about “underground” many times (for example, here).
The legend of “Shambhala” is too dubious.
Perhaps this is the key to solving the mystery of “Satanism”.