English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

US CIA establishes network of child abduction and human trafficking for satanic worship. Read the report of the investigation.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 21 Jun 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. 


(Translated text below)

I write daily on this blog about the evil that the financial Jews are doing.

They are not just in it for the money. For them money is just a means to an end.

They need huge amounts of money to create a New World Order in this world, with the demon Lucifer at the top.

They still worship the devil. This story may be difficult for the Japanese to understand.

No, it is not just for the Japanese, but for people from all countries.

Satanists perform rituals to worship the devil, sacrificing small children, eating their flesh and drinking their blood.

There are many witnesses to this, and it was testified to in the papal trials for devil worship.

Satanists have persistently concealed the existence of a spiritual world in this world.

They have convinced the people of the world that Satanism is a sham.

They have also ensured that the people of the world do not pay attention to the spiritual world, but are instead absorbed in material civilization.

This is so that mankind remains ignorant of the Devil and God.

Recently, however, spiritually sensitive people, including myself, have begun to emerge from everywhere.

The situation is indeed becoming such that we cannot afford to ignore the spiritual world.

We can now find numerous articles in magazines and on the Internet about spiritual phenomena.

Satanists have also been relentlessly destroying the religions of the world.

Judaism and Christianity in particular have been targeted and thoroughly destroyed. Both Judaism and Christianity have the same Bible as their scriptures. (The Jewish scripture is the Old Testament; the Christian scripture is the New Testament)

This is because Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is the enemy of the devil.

Both Judaism and Christianity are now complete cesspools of Satanists.

Of course, there are many people of serious faith among both Jews and Christians.

But Satanists mingle with them under the guise of piety.

Satanists disguised as Jews in Israel and Satanists disguised as Christians in the Vatican are both widespread.

They have transformed their respective religions into religions as close as possible to Satanism.

Financial Jews are not Jews either.

They use the Bible, but they only use the words of the Bible.

First of all, Jews are not supposed to be white.

Some say they are Khazars, but even that is not certain.

Their ancestry is a little more complex.

Satanists have been trying to establish a Greater Israeli Empire in the Middle East, posing as Jews and Christians.

The aim is to build a New World Order with Israel at its center.

Don’t you find this strange?

Religion is supposed to save people’s hearts and souls.

However, trying to build a big state in the Middle East for the Jewish people is no longer the purpose of religion.

The notorious Unification Church, a drug organization, is also known to have collected large sums of money from its followers, also under the guise of building the state of Israel.

Queen Elizabeth and the Pope have been arrested on charges of slaughtering 50,000 infants for satanic worship, and a trial is now underway.

The media will not report any of this, but you can find out more at …….

They have kidnapped many children from all over the world to offer their lives to the devil.

The US CIA has played a central role in this crime.

It is already widely known that the CIA is a drug trafficking organization.

What is less well known is that it has been involved in the kidnapping and trafficking of young children.

Even searching the internet, it is difficult to find articles about this. Especially on Japanese websites.

In the US, the issue has been widely discussed for decades.

However, not many people have researched or clarified Satanism, perhaps because it is the area that Satanists least want to be poked at.

Or, if they do set out to investigate, are the results suppressed or removed by someone else?

There are currently 800,000 missing children a year in the USA, and recently there was news of the discovery of the remains of nearly 800 children in Ireland. They may have been used as Satanic sacrifices.

For the Japanese, this is not a fire on the other side of the river, and the number of missing children in Japan is increasing every year.

In addition, many people say they have seen foreigners trying to kidnap children.

It is strongly suspected that the perpetrators are the CIA and that they are kidnapping the children to use them as sacrifices for satanic worship.

I have not seen many online articles reporting the results of the investigation into these child abductions and the cases of child abuse and massacres.

However, more than a decade ago, a video of an investigative report by an FBI agent in Los Angeles was posted on YouTube.

Today I would like to share this video with you all.

The video above is it.

What the investigator said is also available in text below.

It is long, but we encourage those interested to read it.


Thank you for inviting me to speak here today.

As you may know, I was once the head of the FBI office in Los Angeles, California.

Shortly after I retired in March 1979, I was privately asked to investigate the case of Jeffrey McDonald.

Dr McDonald was a retired US Special Forces doctor who had been convicted of murdering his wife and two children in North Carolina on 17 February 1970.

The investigation lasted 2000 hours.

The first time I told him, ‘OK, let’s look into it,’ was right after he’d been sentenced to three life terms.

I told him that if he was found guilty, my investigation would stop halfway.

To my surprise, the evidence and information I had gathered over the years left no doubt in my mind that he was completely innocent.

On 25 October 1980 I received a signed statement from Marina Stokley.

She was described as a ‘crazy girl’.

She was also the subject of a best-selling book, television programme and film.
Marina said.

Dr McDonald is not the killer.

It was my ‘satanic cult’ that did it, that night was my cult initiation.

She gave me detailed information about who was working in the house that night.

I said, ‘But how do I know you are telling the truth? I bombarded him with all sorts of questions.

One of them was… By the way, I was also recording and videotaping. I was recording all the time, especially the recordings.

I asked her to describe what the jewelry box looked like on top of the wardrobe in the master bedroom.

Marina described it accurately.

Just to be sure, I insisted: ‘Tell me which of the jewellery boxes in this catalogue goes with it’, and she chose the right one from the catalogue.

She also said that night that she had tried to ride the wooden horse in the nursery, but could not because the spring was broken.

The only way Marina could have known that the spring was broken is if she was there on the night of 17 February 1970 when the murder took place.

I submitted my report of about 12,000 pages to the FBI Judge/Director in March 1981.
I also included these letters.

This man [Dr McDonald] is innocent.

However, I seem to have run out of money. I am working as usual, but without pay.

The FBI should continue in the same direction as my investigation.

I appealed not only to the FBI but also to the US Attorney General’s office.

Then, to my surprise, I started getting calls from my 19 witnesses, including Marina Stokley.

The FBI called me, they want me to recant my testimony.

I said, ‘Isn’t the FBI’s job to gather information, not destroy it? I thought.

That was the first indication that there was a serious problem.

Since then, I have personally carried out a number of further investigations.

In each case I found that evidence had been lost, destroyed or stolen.

There were also strong indications of corruption.

I asked myself.

What the hell is going on?

I spent many years collecting evidence.

Until about two years ago, I kept saying.

Two years ago, research convinced me that things were much more serious.

It is more than a ‘loose network’. A conspiracy.

As you know, the media are after us.

They make a big fuss about the word conspiracy, but let them have their way.

I can assure you here and now that there is indeed a conspiracy.

I am here today to prove it and to show it to you all.

By the way, this conspiracy involves pornography, drugs, corruption, pedophile abuse, child abduction networks, the Washington establishment, CIA cover-ups, covert operations for global child trafficking, terrorism, bank accounts, and on and on.

As I will mention in my speech, the Washington organization is actually controlled by the CIA.

It is a covert operation linked to the international trafficking of children.

Two years ago, an incident after my talk convinced me that this was not a loose network but a conspiracy.

A man gave me a book. (My talk was on fitness in the McDonald case).

He said: ‘This book contains the truth, you should read it.

This is the book Pawns in the Game.

If you are not familiar with this book, you should read it.

The author is a Canadian called William Carr.

Like me, he was trying to find out what was going on in the US and the world.

This book is a result of his research.

There are people called the Illuminati. 

It was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt.

In 1773, Weishaupt was appointed by one of the Rothschilds to create an organization called the Illuminati, which he did on 1 May 1776, which is a holiday in the Communist bloc.

He was appointed to 25 goals in total.

It’s a lot of work, so I won’t read them all, but I’ll give you an overview.

(1) Turning people to evil instead of good.

(2) Preach liberalism.

(3) Use the concept of ‘freedom’ to wage class warfare. (This is exactly what is being done).

(4) Spare no means to achieve the Illuminati’s goals.

(5) The Illuminati’s right is in power.

(6) The power of our wealth must be kept from surfacing. Until we gain a strength that cannot be compromised by any cunning or force.

Certainly, it has been hidden from the surface all this time, until very recently.

Very few people really know about the Illuminati.

(7) Use the mob mentality and manipulate the masses.

(8) Use alcohol, drugs, decadent morals and all manner of vices to systematically lower the morals of the young.

You don’t need a real-life example to see this.
But this is where the CIA drug operations come in.

Drugs come into the country and weapons go out.

If you don’t believe me, ask Terry Reid, Chip Tatum and others.

Last autumn there were hearings on drug raids by big-name inspectors from the US federal government.

I watched it and, incredibly, all the witnesses were people who knew nothing about the drug operation.

The subject was the CIA’s drug shipments to California.

I sent the names of 16 people with personal and first-hand knowledge to the hearing, but I never heard back and none of them were called.

I also sent reports and faxes to the city of Oklahoma City.

This was important information about the Oklahoma City bombing, but I received no response.

(9) Confiscate property by any means necessary.

This is also happening on a daily basis.
Farmers, company workers and people arrested on dubious charges have their property confiscated.

One woman here has lost everything.

Her house was searched twice.
The house in her own name, which she bought before her marriage, has been confiscated.

(10) Slogans such as ‘freedom, equality, philanthropy’ are being used as psychological warfare in the mouths of the masses.

Oh no, this was new to me. Bill Clinton uses it.

He’s terrible.

According to a former senator, he’s a womanizing hooligan.
This tenth is certainly true.

(11) Start a war.

This policy, written by Weishaupt in 1773, was officially announced in 1937.

It was officially announced by Great Britain and the USA in 1937.

Let the war be fought so that neither side’s country is in debt.

And at the peace conference, make sure that neither side gains territory.

The Yalta Conference after the Second World War is a perfect example.
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.

(12) We must use our wealth to elect candidates to parliament who will meekly submit to our demands and become pawns in the game of those who manipulate us behind our backs.

Their advisers are trained from an early age to dominate world affairs.
There is no doubt that there are shady manipulators in the world today.

(13) Control of the media.

There is no doubt that the mainstream media is controlled by powerful, deceitful politicians and bureaucrats.
I have documented examples of this in my book on the media.

(14) Agents instigate traumatic situations, but when they are over they appear as saviors of the masses.
In fact, the opposite is true: they are interested in killing the masses.

(15) Recession, financial panic, unemployment create hunger, food shortages and use them to control the masses.
Use mobs to wipe out any cheeky intruder.

Food shortages, economic crisis, it’s happening.
I once had the economic analyst George on my radio show.

(When he appeared on 6 October [1987], he said the market would crash in October.
He was right.
This week he said it would crash twice in the 2000s.

(16) Infiltrate and use the Freemasons.
There are many records of this too.

(17) There is value in organized blindness.
Use highly idealistic slogans and language, and make foolish promises to the masses, even when you know you can’t deliver.

Both George Bush and Bill Clinton are good at it.
There is no difference at all between Republicans and Democrats.

As Mr. A told me, there is also the issue of subliminal messages.

The Republican logo is an elephant with three stars.
If you compare it to the logo from two years ago, the stars have changed direction. It’s upside down, a symbol of Satanism.
I’m not absolutely sure, but it’s a subliminal message.

(18) Plan your decisions in detail. To quickly subdue the masses, use ‘Urban Warfare’.

(19) After the war, use agents to advise from the rear.
Use diplomatic maneuvers with secret agents to gain control.

(20) Establish a huge monopoly control leading to a unified world government.

This is happening now.

(21) Use high tax rates and unfair competition to bring about economic collapse through control of raw materials. (22) Create conflict between workers and subsidies competitors.


(22) Build up enough armed police and troops to protect our interests.

A few years ago, 11 government agencies in the US were authorized to be armed.
Now the total number of agencies is 39.

(23) The leaders of the Government of World Unity will be appointed by the Director.

Note that US Presidential Directive Document No. 25 is a classified document, not available to the public.
It authorizes and directs the President of the United States to delegate his authority to the UN Secretary-General in situations of conflict or crisis.

(24) Deceive, confuse and corrupt the younger members of society by indoctrinating them with theories and principles known to be lies. Infiltrate all levels of society and government to this end.

This is how results-oriented education is imposed by the UN?

(25) Use national and international law to destroy civilization

There is talk of reducing the world’s population to 500 million. There is talk of reducing the US population to 20 million.
There was the Gulf War Syndrome. US soldiers died there.
Four-fifths of the 700,000 that were deployed are now so sick and weak they can’t even do a push-up.

It’s as if the entire US military component was replaced after that.

And so on and so on.

So, what I’m talking about is that there are quite a few overlapping members of every individual, group and organization in the US, but one of the driving forces behind this ‘Illuminati’ is the Satanic cult.

At first I was like, ‘What? What the hell is that?

I had never thought about Satanism, other than what I had read about it in the Bible.

But I went on anyway.

I have learnt a great deal from information about a man called Alistair Crawley.

Crawley’s name seems to rhyme with ‘holy’.

The textbook for Satanists has always been Mr. Crawley’s philosophy and writings.

What does it say? What does it teach?

‘Blood sacrifice’… ‘Blood is life’… On page 94 it says. 

‘The barbarian custom of cutting out the hearts and livers of his enemies and devouring them while they are still warm.

It is not wise to condemn it as folly.

In any case, the theory of the ancient magicians was this.

Every living thing is a store of energy.

Its quantity depends on the creature’s size and state of health.

Its quality depends on its spiritual and moral nature. 

The energy is suddenly released when the animal dies.

So, to prevent its energy from escaping, the animal should be 

should be killed within the circle (the satanic circle) or the triangle. 

An animal must be chosen whose characteristics suit the nature of the ritual. 

The right amount of ferocious energy is useful for the sorcerer to summon the god of war. 

This cannot be achieved by sacrificing a female lamb.

In such a case, a virgin ram would be appropriate. 

Because it retains the full potential of the total energy inherent in it.

Listen carefully to what follows.

The sacrifice with the greatest and purest power must be chosen for the best spiritual result. 

A boy of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most perfect and suitable sacrifice.

We are talking about human sacrifice, gentlemen.

I believe there are about three million Satanists in the United States today. 

I have informants.

In LA, with a population of 200,000, there are apparently 3,000 Satanists.

This is where the famous kindergarten incident, the McMartin case, took place.

My informant in Nebraska says there are 3,000. (Some translations omitted)

In Iowa City, with a population of 100,000, there are 15,000 … 

The average so far is 1.5% of the population.
Anyway … we are talking about human sacrifice.

Between 50,000 and 60,000 children are sacrificed every year.

Satanism has eight holidays.

There are others, but there are eight basic holidays that we all observe.

Incidentally, the US government recognises Satanism as a true religion.

But in the court case that Linda went through here, when her husband’s lawyer used the word Satanism, the record was sealed and put in storage.

Also, when Linda wrote in a letter to her children that they should believe in God, she received a notice saying that she could not use the word God in the letter.

This was an example.

Here 666, the beast, appears.

The beast 666 advises as follows. 

Show every child from an early age every sexual act and every birth scene.

Lest their heads be covered with lies and dulled by riddles… 

Lest the growth of the unconscious system be stunted and misdirected by the symbolism of the soul.

Lest they be misguided… 

They want our children to be exposed to sex from birth.

Satanists around the world have set up crèches all over the world to grope our children.

Parents drop their children off at 9am and pick them up between 3pm and 5pm.

Meanwhile, in these nurseries, children have been exposed to sex.

From birth’, as they say.

That’s what happened to Linda here.
Children were exposed to sex.

This is from the time Linda’s ex-husband laid his hands on the children to the present day.

The next page is lost and unknown. Satanists may have it.

Next to.

Therefore, as a general rule. 

that your sexual gratification destroys or deforms other stars. 

and may be considered immoral. 

‘Although this presupposes that the act is based on mutual consent.

I’m talking about sex.

Such consent is not always obvious.

There may be cases where kidnapping or rape can become liberation or initiation.

It is only judged by its consequences.

This means that ‘raping someone, even if you don’t have an understanding, is good because you have a purpose’.

Let me tell you about the McMartin case.

In April 1985, the authorities decided to search the underground tunnels of the nursery school.

The children told us that they were taken to the underground tunnels and sexually abused in the rooms there.

There was some sort of ritual, with adults wearing only robes, candles and singing.

Then they were taken to a bathroom above the tunnel, which was connected to the next building by a hidden door, and taken out in a car and forced into child prostitution on the street.

They were children of three or four years old.

When the authorities received this complaint in 1983, they launched an investigation and finally decided to search for tunnels in 1985.

The children were also taken by plane to a mountainous area, subjected to satanic rituals (according to the children’s stories) and brought back when their parents were due to pick them up. 

The authorities found nothing.

In the spring of 1993, I was told that the McMartin nursery land had been transferred to the McMartins’ lawyer.

The solicitor then said that he was bankrupt and that the land had been sold to a construction company and that an office building was about to be built.

When I heard this, I contacted the developer.

I contacted the developer and said, ‘We need access to the land.

They agreed to give me two weeks.

We signed a contract stating that I would take full responsibility, and together with the parents I hired Dr Stickle, an archaeologist from UCLA University.

I knew full well that I was not qualified to do this.

We started digging, but at the end of the second week he still hadn’t confirmed that there was a tunnel, so we kept putting it off, and it took 34 days. 

At noon on the 34th day, as the bulldozers were about to start demolition, Dr Stickle said.

There used to be a tunnel under the nursery, but it has been filled in. 

There is no question about it.
I will show you the records of the tunnel.

By the way, this is a preliminary report.

The full scientific report is 186 pages long.

A 2.7 metre wide underpass entrance was found under the west wall. 

There are four classrooms… and a room for Mr Ray Bucky…’ 

Incidentally, at the first trial of Virginia McMartin and Ray Buckey, Virginia was acquitted.

It was during Ray’s second trial that these tunnels were found.

They could have been used as evidence to convict him. 

When we called the prosecutor, he sent an investigator, Mr Perese.

Mr Perese said to me, ‘I don’t want you to interfere in my discussions with the archaeologists.

Why?’ I replied, ‘Because it would cause conflict.

I promised to keep quiet and went with him to see the archaeologist.

Then Mr Perese argued with the archaeologist.

He’s a researcher who knows nothing.

There couldn’t have been a tunnel’ and so on.

The archaeologist argued against it, but the evidence was not used anyway.

In the middle of the second trial, this strong evidence was ignored.

In addition, some of the children pointed to professional football and baseball players, famous actors and the son of a major Los Angeles politician as the culprits.

They were the culprits.

On either side of the entrance were cut avocado tree roots.

The tunnel entrance was 2.7 metres wide with live avocado roots on one side. 

On the other side there were dead avocado roots, but they had been cut. 

… There is also a photograph of this.

Also, a Disney plastic bag, trademarked in 1982. 

was found under the foundation at a point 1.35m below the classroom floor, 7.6-15.2cm from the tunnel entrance.

The reason why this Disney plastic bag is so important is that the tunnel was probably filled in 1982-83, when the complaint was first made to the authorities.

When the tunnel was filled in, the plastic bags danced around unnoticed by anyone.


It’s an excellent record to tell us that the tunnel entrance was filled in around 1982.

Ken Lannin, a great FBI expert, a behavioural scientist, told me.

I took that plastic bag out of the trash and put it there in 1993.

He said I must have planted evidence.

Dr Lannin, of course, says: “There are no Satanic organizations in this country.

Thank you, Doctor. I can go on for another three hours.

The tunnel runs 13.5 meters south under classrooms 3 and 4 and 3 meters north under classroom 4. 

The tunnel was 76 centimeters wide and 1.14 meters deep, with the top 76 centimeters below the classroom floor.

Small children could walk through it and adults could crouch down.

The tunnels were triangular, or rather semi-circular, so they had natural support.

They were clever.
The foundation between classrooms 3 and 4 above the tunnel was curved and 30 cm shallower. 

It was the same on the north side.

I will show you later.
This is important.

The arches were tunnels.

It was curved in this particular place.

At a point 30cm away it was 30cm longer/thicker. 

There were four large, upright containers under the arch. 

It was obvious that they had been placed there by hand.

A small room, 2.7m wide, was found under room 4, next to the tunnel. 

‘The small room and the top of the tunnel were covered with layers of tar paper…’

It was supported from below by wooden posts. 

It was clear from the features of the tunnel that it had been dug by hand. 

The 2.1 meter tunnel led to the flat next door.

’From the bathroom to the office, from classroom 1 to the forecourt of the flat next door…’ 

From the main road it was hidden by the car park…’

The children said exactly the same things about the tunnel’s entrance and exit and the garden of the flat next door as were found.

The bathroom floor in the house next door had been dug out by 9 x 101 cm. 

The children had told me a long time ago that they were trapped in the bathroom door. 

There was this sort of place where you could bend over and a skinny archaeologist would go in and take pictures.

The bath was under the floor.

There was another bathroom at the back of the same building that had not been excavated.

99 x 101 cm, just enough for a child to get in.

They were taken from there.

Another important fact is that it has a hand-drawn pentagram in green ink. 

A white plastic plate was found.

The pentagram was hand-drawn by an adult and was not the original design. 

Many of the other artefacts found will be analysed after the test.

The results of this analysis are the scientific report I mentioned earlier.

Classroom 3 had no doorknob, only an unusable deadbolt lock. 

The switch marked ‘fire alarm’ in the classroom
was not connected to the fire station, but was used as an alarm for the nursery… 

In case someone came.

Of the more than 2,000 objects found under the floor, more than 100 were animal bones…’. 

The investigation had to be stopped at noon on the 34th day because time was running out.

A lot of people gave their time.

It cost me between $55,000 and $60,000 in money, I personally invested $17,000.

Here is the general plan.

This is the building, this is the empty concrete area, this is the garden, this is the avocado tree and this is the entrance.

The tunnel goes from here to here… and here… and the rooms are here… I didn’t have time to go through, but… the tunnel also went this way.

We could come up here… and get to the bathrooms here.

This is the entrance. It’s 2.7 metres wide.

So the avocado tree, this root is the living one and this one has dead roots…

This is a plaque found in the schoolyard.

It has a five-pointed star on it and it was buried about 12 cm under the sand. 

This is a diagram of the tunnel.
The entrance is here.

The foundation of class 4 is here. The Disney bag is here.

Part of it was under the foundation, part of it was on top.

AF means artificially filled.

This was the shape of the entrance.

This is the plan, ladies and gentlemen.

This is where it was artificially filled in, the avocado roots, the dead roots.

About 53 cm down and away. 

80 cm below the foundation – avocado roots.

These are all schematic drawings by archaeologists.

Here is the avocado root itself.

The 2 cm scale is about right. 

This is a Disney plastic bag – 1982-83. 

This is the entrance arch to the tunnel.

The tree nursery was built in 1966.

So the foundations were laid at that time.

This is the archway.

This is the one in class 4 and this is class 3.

It was tilted 30 cm to the left.

I am the one looking up and I think it was under Classroom 4.

This is where the tunnel extends.

The archaeologists were able to say that the tunnel had been reclaimed because the texture of the soil used to reclaim it was different from the original soil.

In addition to the tunnels, I also received this information.

There is a Satanist’s castle ruin in Cresline, California. 

It is a mountainous area. You remember that.

The kids said they were taken by plane to a mountainous place.

Ten minutes from McMartin Kindergarten is Harthorne Airfield.

When I heard about this Satanic shrine, I went there and took pictures.

Before I did, I phoned the prosecutor in the McMartin case.

We now know where the children were taken. 

If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a look. 

I would be happy to pass the information on to you. 

I can take the children there to check it out if you like.

The prosecutor said ‘I’m not interested’.

They were not interested in the hard evidence of the tunnel, nor in investigating this Satanist shrine.

So what was in the Satanist’s Castle was ・・・・ this is a stone.

The day after the McMartin case was reported, the house here was burnt down.

There was a road on the other side of the hill, but this place is not visible from the road.

It was quite elaborate and you had to come down through the house to see it.

The woman in the photo is Judy, who helped us.

This is a view in the opposite direction from the previous one.

Over there is the town of San Bernardino. It’s on top of a mountain like this and nobody will notice it unless you go there by helicopter.

This is probably the altar.

Flat stone.

This is also an altar. It was broken.

You can see this star.

This is a symbol of devil worship.

What is it, gentlemen?
It reads.


A mighty king.

Three heads, like a bull, a man and a ram.

The tail is a snake. The legs are geese.

Breathes fire.

Rides a dragon, holds a spear and controls the powers of Amaimon (a demon from a book of magic).

When you summon him, do not cover your head.

For he will deceive you.

He preaches virtue, teaches mathematics, geology and handicrafts, answers all questions, makes people invisible, shows them where the hidden treasures are and leads them to the realm of Amaimon.

This is also a symbol of devil worship, as befits the place.

Here it comes.

What does this sign mean?

Made after the great king Bilaiah, Lucifer.

Appears in the form of a beautiful angel sitting by a fire.

Speaks with a pleasant voice … (omitted) … to whom sacrifices and offerings must be made.

We didn’t know what was here.

This is an oven.

It was a big circle with many signs and letters on it.

I didn’t get any good photos from high up.

Finding all this did not help.

No one was interested in the ruins of the Satanist’s castle.

This was at a time that coincided with the McMartin case.

I was very disappointed.

The police had no way of gathering evidence, we were working privately.

There were too many influential and powerful people involved.

Here is a summary of the McMartin case. 

I have no doubt about the fitness of the Satanists.

According to a psychologist at UCLA, there were 50 other nurseries where children went down into the tunnels.

This is another case in Philadelphia that I was involved with.

It is similar to Linda’s case.

This is the case of Lou somebody.

Mr Lou called me in the late 1980s.

He was in hiding with his kids.

Then the FBI team came and raided the house, he was jailed and the children were given to his ex-wife.

According to the children, he had been sexually abused by his ex-wife’s lover.

Mr Lou asked me what I should do to help him.

I wanted to testify for him.

One of them was about the pictures the children had drawn.

It is not a joke, it is a fact that children who have been sexually abused for whatever reason (ages range from 2 to 10) always draw pictures of their experiences.

It was always the case. 

When I was that age, I drew airplanes and cars, and the girls drew flowers. 

But these children were different.

It was the same with Linda.

There are drawings by Linda’s children. 

I tried to examine the drawings made by children who had been taken in for Satanic activities and to testify for Lou on that basis.

This is the most obvious one.

It’s a totem pole with a goat’s head on top. 

Note that there are many secrets about Satanism, so I can only say ‘as far as I understand’.

The structure has between eight and ten layers.

But according to my sources, the highest level of Satanism has a totem pole between 90 and 180 cm high, made of wood, with a goat’s head at the top.

I wanted to testify that the children were taken to the rituals of the highest hierarchy of Satanism, centred on this very image of a totem pole with a goat’s head.

But I went all the way to Philadelphia and the judge wouldn’t let me testify.

There are other pictures.

This is a human body.

This is a sacrifice on an altar.

You can see blood.

You can see genitals.

According to a study done seven or eight years ago, children who have not been sexually abused do not draw genitals.

Children who have been sexually abused are very likely to draw genitals.

Children who have been sexually abused in rituals are even more likely to do so.

There are people, there is a fire, and a baby is thrown into the fire as a sacrifice.

Altar, bones, blood, baby… This is a different ritual.

There are many trees, there are people, there is fire.

Naked people, tables, knives, demons… This was Lou’s case.

I’ll let Linda tell you next, but first a few minutes.

In 1982, 100,000 children disappeared in one year.

This is the official US Customs report on the CIA’s international child trafficking covert operations, and it’s nine or ten pages long.

I will tell you part of it, but if you want to see the whole thing, come to me later.

I’m selling it for $10.

Please buy it, make copies and spread the word.

The story of how this case came to light is that in 1987 some children were seen in a park in Florida.

When the police were called, the children replied, ‘We’re going to a cool school in Mexico.

The police investigated the owner of the van, traced it to the federal police organization in the capital and searched every nook and cranny. 

Then I found information about child trafficking around the world.

Based on my investigations up to that point, it was again a CIA covert operation.

The customs officer I was investigating was caught in possession of pornography.

I can ‘guarantee’ that the story (of the CIA covert operation) also involved pornography.

This report, ‘Missing Children’, is the last interview with the customs officer as he tried to find out more.

When I arrived at the Metropolitan Police at 9am on 2 April, the detective in charge was in the middle of an intake. 

So, I spoke to a third party who said it would be OK if it was completely off the record. 

I was advised that all the passport details should be passed to the Foreign Office for investigation. 

The passports were found in the van.

The Foreign Office then told the Metropolitan Police that all the data in the passports was legitimate. 

No action was taken. 

The passport holder had travelled to Moscow, North Korea and North Vietnam in the 1950s and mid-1970s.

This was at a time when it was illegal to travel to such countries.

‘From the description of the circumstances given to me by the individual, it appeared that the investigation of this case was considered an internal CIA matter. 

The Metropolitan Police report was classified and could not be reviewed. 

The FBI was advised to withdraw from the investigation.

FBI Headquarters had instructed the Metropolitan Police Department not to tell the FBI’s Washington office anything. 

No further information would be released and no action would be taken.

The case was then shrouded in secrecy, making it an ‘internal CIA matter’.

First of all, this organization, created by CIA agents in 1960, is still active in 1987.

I have all the names and all the information.

In short, ‘CIA. mind control experiments with children. MK ultra’.

This is an excellent article.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now hand over to Linda Wigan to speak to you.

As you will see from my speech, I have seen some pretty vicious cases of corruption, and this is the most classic of them all.

This is my friend Linda Wigan, a fighter.

(Linda Wigan’s story begins here)

I am a real life example of a parent whose own child has been abused by a satanic cult.

I could show you slides, but I’m sure you have a general idea of what I’m talking about so far, so I’ll skip that.

Ten years ago I joined the Catholic Church.

At that time, “the devil” was a science fiction movie that I didn’t bother to talk to people about in the dark of night.

My children began to show signs of sexual abuse in early 1993.

Their behavior became more and more abnormal: taking their pants off at the grocery store, trying to have sex with a pet dog, sticking a pen up the dog’s anus, and so on.

One morning I woke up to find a knife on the bread knife rack with a big puddle of ketchup in the middle.

It was in the kitchen.

I asked my children, “Who did this? What do you mean?” I asked.

My son John said, “Mom, this is what we were shown. This is what we have been shown and made to do.

I knew it was a big problem, but I had no idea what it was called.

I called all over America, gave the children’s drawings to the police, and my husband was caught sexually abusing my children.

The children’s drawings always had a circle, people, and a black candle in the middle of the table.

There were also pictures of oral and anal intercourse.

I asked the church, “I don’t know, but it looks very serious.

I asked the church, “I don’t know, but it looks very serious.

There were demon heads and goats. I really didn’t know anything about satanic sexual abuse.

Then the church asked me if I had ever seen a psychiatrist. I answered, “No, I have never seen a psychiatrist.

I replied, “No, I am perfectly sane.

No, I am perfectly sane, and these pictures have symbols.

No one has helped me.


A prosecution was underway, but as soon as they brought up the Satanism story, it was deemed not credible.

There is no such organization in the United States.

They want us to focus only on sexual abuse.

I took my children to a hospital that specializes in sexual abuse.

While they were being treated, my husband, my lawyer, and the judge found out that the children were in a specialized medical facility, and although I had legal custody of them, my house was confiscated.

They took all my possessions, including my children’s photos and clothes, and left me with nothing but my clothes.

My car, my P.O. box mail, my income and my assets were all taken from me when I took my children to a sexual abuse specialist.

They took my assets to keep me from disclosing what my children told me and to keep my children from getting treatment. 

The children were treated for sexual abuse.

I provided all the records.

One day a doctor called me and said

This is a classic case of SRA.

I didn’t understand what he meant.

What is SRA?” I asked,

He said, “It’s Satanic Ritual Abuse.

The kids showed me drawings they had made in the teacher’s office of people cutting off arms and dripping blood on the demon’s head, that kind of thing.

Orgies, children being killed, etc.

I felt like I had been hit over the head with a sledgehammer.

I didn’t know what to do or where to go.

We called every child advocacy organization in the country and begged for help, but none of them would admit that this was Satanic abuse.

I was told by the Child Abuse Prevention Group, “We lobby, but we do not provide individual counseling.

I continued to search for help to save my children and ended up here.

Other mothers with children who have also been abused in satanic rituals have come to me for help.

It is very painful. I was alone.

My children John and Ben were 11 and 8 years old.

They lived with a member of a satanic cult (*ex-husband) from the time they were 15-16 months old.

An investigation by 25 Connecticut State Attorneys proved the sexual abuse and that he was a cult member.

But no one will protect my children.

Not even the governor of the state.

I wonder how many bigwigs are involved in this story.


There is another boy who influenced my life.

Besides my own children, I think about him all the time. 

I never want what happened to him to happen again.

He was an 8 year old boy.

He was a child that his mother tried to protect.

By the way, I had been in hiding for three years at that time, and that father and son were found.

The boy was taken underground, crucified alive and skinned alive. 

The abused child’s body has an increased endorphin response from fear and pain.

Satanists who drink the blood get high as if on drugs.

This child was found dead in the basement, skinned alive, crucified, and drained of blood.

This must never happen to children again.

I can’t do anything for myself and my children.

It’s very painful.

Please understand that this is not a fairy tale or a science fiction novel. 

I was an ordinary mother who made sweets for her children, but I have to go on stage and tell this horror story because my children have become victims. 

We are getting so many calls and letters from all over the country asking for help that we could go on and on.


The only way to help these people is to help John and Ben first and set a precedent. 

We will never let this happen again. We have to come together and say, “We will not allow this to happen, not only to our children, but to our lives.

Please pray, donate and write to save John and Ben.

We will be traveling around the United States organizing meetings to help other victims. 

Right now we are setting up an investigation team in Connecticut.

Everyone is working for free or minimal compensation.

There are legal fees and litigation costs.

Ten days ago we sued the state of Connecticut and four judges for federal civil rights violations at a cost of $10,000.

Two days ago, I sent a letter to the state asking them to return my oldest son to Linda.

By the way, Linda’s ex-husband is not the child’s biological father and never adopted the child.

I wrote that if they did not return the child, I would file criminal charges against the Governor of Connecticut, the judges, and others.

I am not joking.

I am serious.

(Q&A from here)

Q: I don’t know who or where I would go if a problem like this happened to me or my family tomorrow.
You are already out of the FBI…. 
Everyone is corrupt, from the state governor on down. Who should I talk to? 

Answer: Call me. I will do what I can. I know people who can help you. Many people have contacted me over the years.
I have referred them to other professionals.
We can only handle one case at a time, but please call me anyway.
There is a phone number. I brought a flyer.

Q: You mentioned that both the police and the governor of the state are corrupt when it comes to things here in Denver that need help.
If they won’t investigate, what can I do?

Answer: That is why I am asking you to call me.
We have contacts and are in the process of forming a foundation.
We will start fundraising.
As Linda said, we are going to build a national contingent.
We are going to be very busy.
But please call me anyway. We will do what we can. 

Q: Can I go to the police?

Answer: Yes, let’s go and make a record.
Just go and talk to them in person, and for the record, send them a certified letter with a description of what you talked about.
In these cases, be sure to keep a record of who you talk to.

Q: Do you plan to name the suspects in California?
I mean the names of the people the kids named. Can you do that?

Answer: We cannot. 
We can’t because we can’t prove anything other than what the children have said.
I have been told that the children’s stories are not credible.
If I say more, they will sue me in court.
If they don’t sue me, I will name them, but they are very famous people that everyone knows.

Q: Was the case of little Jon Benet Ramsey also like the Satanic abuse? 

Answer: Interesting question. Yes, it was. But I can’t prove it.
There are signs of it from the time the case was reported in the news until today.
As for the wound on the girl’s neck… One of the techniques used in mind control is to bring a child to the brink of death and then revive them.
It is possible that this was done to her. But I think they overdid it and the child died. I can’t prove it. 
I am speaking from my experience and knowledge.
I can say with confidence that I am not telling the family everything they know.
The fact that they have not cooperated with the investigation for months speaks for itself.
My gut tells me the same thing.
She may have been a victim of pedophilia.
A pedophile network that overlaps with a satanic cult.


-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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