(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 11 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Today, as planned, I would like to talk briefly about the possible reasons why the “Papacy” and the “Jesuits” have always acted in close coordination with each other, even though they are enemies of each other.
It was only recently that I realized that the “Vatican” and the “Jesuits” were actually enemies behind the scenes.
Until then, I had assumed that the “Jesuits” and the “Vatican” were friends and were the same “papists”.
Well, it would be natural for anyone to think so.
After all, they have been working together in the same place, the Vatican, for centuries.
And, most importantly, the former president of the Jesuits is a man named Peter Hans Kolvenbach.
It was rumored on the Internet that he was the one who orchestrated 9/11.
In fact, I wrote an article about this a long time ago.
Today I am going to speak about Satanism from an occult point of view. https://nozomi-creation.com/today-we-will-talk-about-satanism-from-an-occult-perspective/
Therefore, I had always assumed that both the “Jesuits” and the “Vatican” were exactly the same organization and enemies of the “Emperor Faction.
But when I carefully examined the history of the “Jesuits”, I found that they were in fact the “Emperor Faction”.
For more details, please refer to the following links.
The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor Faction”. Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/
By understanding this fact, I could easily solve a mystery that I had never understood before.
On the other hand, new mysteries were also created.
The biggest mystery of all was how they could be enemies and yet always be in the same place at the same time.
However, in a sense, this is immediately understandable if one analyzes their past behavior patterns.
First of all, they give jobs to ordinary people so that they can work to make the nation they rule prosperous.
They do not spare any money for this purpose.
They also pay salaries.
In this way, the people will work diligently without complaining.
Only if they fail to do so will they be forced to work like slaves.
They will not try to make the nation prosperous by themselves.
They will do it with the help of others.
They just worship the devil, enjoy themselves, and exercise power over the people.
For example, let’s say the “papists” make a nation prosperous, and they get a lot of wealth and prosperity.
Then the “emperor faction” would want to destroy the state in order to weaken the power of the “papist faction.
But if the state were to be completely destroyed, it would have to be rebuilt from scratch. This is too cumbersome and troublesome.
Therefore, the Emperor faction does not want to completely destroy this state, but rather take it over from the Papal faction.
There are many ways to do this.
The most orthodox would be to send an agent to the center of the state and make him or her the ruler of the state.
The agent will first pose as a citizen of the country and then swear allegiance to the king.
They will meekly obey whatever the king commands.
In this way, the agent will desperately try to gain the king’s approval.
If it works, the agent will eventually become the king’s successor. Or rather, a good agent will try to reach that point at any cost.
He will thoroughly rub the king’s sesame in his face and thoroughly crush his rivals.
And if he actually becomes the king of that country, that country will be completely “imperialist.
Overnight, the “papalist” country would become an “imperialist” country.
It is believed that their history consists of this kind of repeated espionage.
That is why they have always lived in the same place, close to each other, even though they were hostile to each other.
Their history consisted of this kind of espionage and intrigue.
And they got tired of doing it for too long.
So maybe they finally decided to abolish the monarchy and establish democracy.
This would eliminate the fear of the nation being taken over overnight.
Even in Japan, no matter how many prime ministers change, the power of the emperor will not disappear overnight.
The presidential system can be the same.
When the president changes, the prime minister does not change with him.
However, in the case of the U.S., there is no prime minister, only the president.
This is probably because the “Emperor Faction” has a certain amount of power in the U.S. and is trying to overthrow the nation overnight.
Anyway, Japan and the U.S. are the countries that the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” want to make their own NWO bases.
Therefore, it is believed that the information war has been waged much more intensely than in other countries.
They have been pouring money into the prosperity of Japan and the U.S., and when both sides have grown fat, they have been looking for an opportunity to seize the wealth and prosperity.
From the outside, it looks like they are friends. But in fact, behind the scenes, they have been fiercely and violently exchanging sparks.
Japan also made a tremendous recovery after the war.
Until the huge bubble economy burst, the Rockefellers did not attack Japan in any way.
The reason may have been that Rockefeller wanted to fatten up Japan first, and then later seize its wealth and prosperity.
And as the bubble grew, they began to use so-called “vulture funds” to seize Japan’s wealth.
They also planned to use Junichiro Koizumi and Heizo Takenaka to create a U.S. betrayal policy to seize Japan’s wealth.
The reason why the Rockefellers suddenly tried to seize Japan’s wealth was not because they suddenly had a change of heart.
They were just waiting for Japan to get fat.
Perhaps these demons have been doing this since time immemorial.
In countries infested with Satanists, there have always been forces of both the “Emperor faction” and the “Papal faction.
And while they have been working hard on the public, they have been waging a fierce war of espionage behind the scenes.
They are good at making spy movies because they have a history of espionage themselves.
The battle between the Vatican and the Jesuits is exactly the same.
Their battle is still mainly about espionage.
The key is how to steal the enemy’s information and how to steal the enemy’s wealth and power.
That is why they do not try to kill their opponents. If you kill your opponent, you will lose your advantage.
The key for them is how to steal their opponents’ wealth and power without killing them.
The Emperor Faction will first infiltrate the Vatican by establishing the Jesuits.
They will pretend to be devout “Vatican” believers and gain a position in the “Vatican”.
In this way, they enter the heart of the “Vatican” and obtain information about the “papal faction.
However, the “papists” eventually begin to realize that there is something suspicious about the “Jesuits. So the “Papists” also send agents inside the “Jesuits” to investigate their internal situation.
The “Papists” finally realized that the “Jesuits” were the enemy.
However, there is no merit in killing the members of the “Papist” faction.
If possible, they would like to acquire all the wealth, power, and subordinates of their opponent.
In other words, they consider it to be to their advantage if the other party grows fat, and to their disadvantage if the other party shrinks.
However, when they feel that they are about to suffer too much harm or disadvantage, they will clearly take the fight to the other side.
In fact, the history of Europe in the Middle Ages is full of bloody cases of persecution and oppression involving Christianity.
Probably, many of these incidents were caused by battles between the “emperor’s faction” and the “pope’s faction.
I believe that the many wars that occurred in the past, such as World War I and World War II, were also caused by the same reason.
In other words, either one side was driven to the brink, or the other side saw its prosperity growing too great and panicked, challenging the other side to a fight.
The world is based on a war between the “Emperor = Rothschild” and the “Vatican = Rockefeller”. https://nozomi-creation.com/this-world-is-built-on-the-war-between-emperorrothschild-and-vaticanrockefeller/
After such a long struggle, in March 2011, “Peter Hans Kolvenbach”, a former president of the Jesuits, teamed up with Rockefeller and Bush to cause the 3.11 earthquake in Japan.
(Translator’s Note) The latest RAPT theory elucidates that the mastermind behind the 3/11 disaster was the Chinese Communist Party.
We do not know if “Peter Hans Kolvenbach” was a “papist” from the beginning or if he turned to the “papists” in the middle of his career.
However, from the following article it seems that he was a strong “papist” from the beginning.
The “papists” pretended to be the “emperors” and infiltrated the Jesuits and rose to the top.
—————- (Reprinted below from The Eden)
By Benjamin Fulford.
“Based on a synthesis of information from the Russian KGB-approved FSB, British MI6, Japanese public security insiders, and Vatican insiders, the earthquake (*311 Great East Japan Earthquake) was caused by a ship called the Chikyu Maru (*Japanese-American underwater drilling ship Chikyu) detonating a nuclear bomb 10 km under the sea (http ://kinnikuking.blog81.fc2.com/blog-entry-760.html).
This travesty of the nuclear power plant issue (*Israeli Magna BSP blows up http://kinnikuking.blog81.fc2.com/blog-entry-800.html) is a pretext for finding radioactive material in the sea (*to say that it was caused by a nuclear power plant, not an atomic bomb) and a money-making policy. (*to say that it was caused by nuclear power plants, not atomic bombs) and to make money.
(*The Rothschild-affiliated corporation “AREVA” of the international criminal organization Illuminati <http://blog-imgs-52.fc2.com/k/i/n/kinnikuking/IRUMINATI.gif>, for example, made money from the excessive costs of contaminated water treatment).
Behind all this is a top-secret battle for international financial domination.
We, the International Group (*Hakuryukai), are trying to take away the right to make money in the world from some blood mafia-like people.
To this end, they have fought back with this kind of strategy. The Japanese people were sacrificed.
Knowing that it was only a matter of time before the US would go bankrupt (*In 2011, the same year as the Great East Japan Earthquake, the US was about to declare default), the US embassy long ago accumulated a large amount of foreign currency, and now a large amount is on the black market.
Iraqi dinar, black US dollar bills (*not legitimate US dollar bills, but fake ones) are being sold by some gangsters, prosecutors, and the US embassy.
I assure you that the big owners of this money are Clinton and Bush.
Mr. Clinton, if you have any objections, sue me in court. Because what I am saying is true.
These people have the right to make money, but they didn’t get the right from where they got it (*the right to make money). It is just a scam.
The right to make money is monopolized by a few private individuals. These people give that money to wars and all kinds of problems.
So where we are asking them to stop is the main source of the attack on Japan.
We have looked into it through years of international investigation, Interpol, all over the world, the authorities, the CIA, and other good people.
According to this information, the general headquarters is the Vatican Bank.
Their main mastermind is Peter Hans Kolbenbach.
He (*Kolbenbach) contacted us and said, “I am the chief executive. I will kill a large number of people before I give you that right,” threatening to kill a large number of people.
These people are in the Vatican, but they are not Christians.
They are from a special sect that worships Solarism, Lucifer, also known as Satan.
They have taken away our right to issue dollars since the Kennedy assassination. This is a fact.
By Benjamin Fulford.
—————- (reprinted here)
I suspect that this famous conspiracy theorist must also be a member of the “Sun cult”.
Anyway, this famous conspiracy theorist was angry that the highest member of the “papacy” was the head of the “Jesuits”.
He was also angry that the same person had caused 9/11, which is why he revealed this on the Internet.
In other words, they completely lost their cool and revealed their own hand.
Perhaps they thought that if they exposed Sun Faith in this way, no one would suspect that they were also members of Sun Faith.
But he was too naive.
He was also furious when Shintaro Ishihara received a huge bribe from Rockefeller to betray the “Emperor Faction.
And he exposed Shintaro Ishihara’s bribery.
By exposing the underworld in this way, I was able to clarify various aspects of their history.
I am very grateful to them.
In any case, the fact that the “Papal Faction” caused such a major incident is evidence that they are being driven to the brink.
It is believed that the “Papal Faction” took such a hard line because they saw that if they let the “Emperor Faction” get any fatter, they would eventually lose the war completely.
The same can be said of the current Islamic State turmoil.
In the current turmoil, the “papists” must have been backed into a corner to come up with such harsh measures.
Nevertheless, many conspiracy theorists are completely at peace with the situation and are calling the whole Islamic State fiasco a joke or a hoax.
This is exactly what the devils want.
After all, if the “emperor faction” completely defeats the “Islamic State,” then an emperor-centered NWO could really be established.
We must really pray and spread information.