「 月別アーカイブ:2019年12月 」 一覧

The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅱ)

As we saw last time in my article, We were able to confirm again that cancer is full of contradictio …

The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅰ)

In Japan, the number of cancer deaths is increasing. Now, one in three Japanese men die from cancer. …

The story that radioactivity is dangerous is a lie

Do you think that radioactivity and nuclear power are difficult to understand? When I heard that the …

Here is how satan have ruled this world using Illuminati

Have you ever thought that there are many mysterious incidents in the world? RAPT theory makes me aw …


目次 1.人工知能が人間にとって代われないことの本質 2.神様が人間に与えた自由意志 3.どこまで頑張るかも本人の自由 1.人工知能が人間にとって代われないことの本質 近年、人工知能の発達によって「今 …