「 投稿者アーカイブ:nozomi 」 一覧
2020/01/05 -証言:RAPTさんの「有料記事」の紹介
兄弟姉妹の方々へ この年末から年始にかけて深く祈れない気がしたので、どこに罪があるのか求めていたところ、気付かせていただいたことがあるので証します。 1.全てご存じだから等身大の自分で進む 先日自分に …
The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅱ)
As we saw last time in my article, We were able to confirm again that cancer is full of contradictio …
The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅰ)
In Japan, the number of cancer deaths is increasing. Now, one in three Japanese men die from cancer. …
The story that radioactivity is dangerous is a lie
Do you think that radioactivity and nuclear power are difficult to understand? When I heard that the …