(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 24 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Yesterday I talked about how the Abe government has spent 70 trillion yen overseas in the past two years.
I also mentioned that the reason for this spending was to expand the power of the “Emperor’s Faction.
The Abe government has spent a total of 70 trillion yen in the past two years. The alarming reality is that our blood money is being used to expand the power of the “Emperor’s Faction. https://nozomi-creation.com/a-total-of-70-trillion-yen-has-been-disbursed-overseas-by-the-abe-government-in-the-past-two-years/
In that article, I asked those who felt uneasy after reading these conspiracy theory blogs to pray to God.
In response, I received various comments from readers, such as “spread information rather than pray” or “pray rather than spread information”.
You can see this in the comments section of the article linked above.
In my opinion, both opinions are valid.
Both “spreading the word” and “prayer” are important.
But for now, I want to state my opinion clearly today to avoid this kind of discussion among readers in the future.
Therefore, I will not be able to talk about ancient history again today.
I am really sorry for those who were looking forward to it.
However, I have decided that this story is more important today.
There are people in this world who do not believe in things like the “spirit world” and the “power of prayer,” and there are those who do.
Or there are those who believe in some of it but think that actual action is even more important than prayer.
This is probably a big difference of opinion depending on the age group: those in their 40s and older have been brought up under the propaganda that both the “spirit world” and the “power of prayer” are bogus, largely due to the influence of American capitalism.
Therefore, I think this is a generation that has a hard time accepting and believing in the “spirit world” and the “power of prayer.
On the other hand, those in their teens and twenties are the generation that grew up in a world where the “spirit world” was broadcast on television.
Therefore, they are more likely to believe in the “spiritual world” and the “power of prayer” and are more likely to accept such things.
I would say that the number of people in their 30s is about 50-50.
Anyway, people who grew up in the Showa period grew up thinking that material civilization is all there is.
Therefore, they have not been exposed to much information about the spirit world or the spiritual world.
They have a biased view of those worlds.
I think it is shameful for an adult to rely on the power of God or Buddha.
They think that we should be able to crawl out of everything on our own.
On the other hand, today’s young people are known as the “satori generation,” and they have grown up thinking that adults who live their lives with an emphasis on material things are uncool and tacky.
They feel uncomfortable with adults who think that “everything is material” and “everything is what you see.
They feel a strong resistance to having such ideas imposed on them.
However, this is just a tendency and does not apply to everyone.
Some young people may think that “what they see” is all there is.
Some adults may also value “what is not visible. But I see very few such people.
However, as I have discussed many times in this blog, there is indeed a “spirit world” in this world.
The underworld attaches more importance to the “spirit world” than to the “earthly world.
Certainly, they are a group of people who are blinded by wealth, materialism, and power.
And they believe in their heart of hearts that it is because of the demons in the “spirit world” that they are able to have these things.
Especially the higher you go to the top of the underworld, the stronger this belief becomes.
Or rather, for them it is not faith, but science.
It is not too much to say that it is the real world.
Because they do not believe in the existence of the “devil,” but they actually see the devil with their own eyes and interact with the devil.
Many such clairvoyants are gathered at the top of the underworld.
About the inner workings of the “spirit world”. Satanists have hidden the existence of the “spirit world” from us, the general public. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-secret-of-the-spirit-world-satanists-have-hidden-the-existence-of-the-spirit-world-from-us-the-general-public/
Therefore, they believe that only by controlling the “spirit world” can they control the “earthly world.
At the same time, they also believe that only by controlling the “earthly world” can they control the “spirit world.
As proof, they have built Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Sky Tree, and Sunshine 60 in a triangular shape, as well as shrines in the shape of the Big Dipper.
(see the following links for more information)
Proof that the “Tower of Babel” is a symbol of the NWO. Or about the “Tower of Babel” being built in Japan.
The spiritual power struggle between the Tokugawa family and the Emperor. About the boundary of the Big Dipper and the Taiji Chart that breaks it down.
These things have no meaning in the “earthly world.
But we believe it can have some effect on the “spirit world.
And they are not wrong.
If you control the “spirit world,” you control not only the “spirit world,” but also the “earthly world.
And vice versa.
If you control the earthly world, you control not only the spiritual world, but also the earthly world.
This is the very concept of “Yin-Yang-Do,” and they really believe in this “Yin-Yang-Do.
In other words, although the “spiritual world” and the “earthly world” are two, they interact with each other and give and receive each other.
So, they really believe that both are important and should not be ignored.
But they are forgetting one important truth.
Or rather, they ignore it. That is, “God’s power is greater than the devil’s power.
When we pray to God, He will restrain the power of the devil. God has that much power.
In other words, we can change the “spirit world” through prayer.
Of course, the “spirit world” will be changed, but the “earthly world” can also be changed by its influence.
In the same way, if we spread information in the “earthly world,” this “earthly world” will change, and the “spiritual world” will change as a result.
This is the interaction, the giving and receiving action.
However, since both God and the Devil exist in the “spirit world,” it is certain that the “spirit world” is more important than the “earthly world.
First of all, the “earthly world” is a three-dimensional world, but the “spirit world” is a four-dimensional world.
It is a more advanced world. A difference of one dimension is a considerable difference.
For example, the difference between the Philippine “peso” and the Japanese “yen” is about the same.
In the Philippines, you can usually take a taxi for one peso, which is only about one Japanese yen.
Therefore, if a Filipino taxi driver finds out that the customer is Japanese, he will deliberately rip off the customer and charge 50 yen.
(This was the case when I went to the Philippines decades ago, so things may be a little different now).
However, for Japanese people, it doesn’t hurt or itch when 1 yen becomes 50 yen, so even if they know they are being ripped off, they will pay the 50 yen without complaining. On the other hand, for Filipinos, 1 yen becomes 50 yen, which is a very big profit. After all, the difference is 50 times greater.
In this case, Japan is the “spirit world” and the Philippines is the “earthly world.
The dimensional difference can be compared in this way.
Therefore, it is certain that the “spirit world” is more important than the “earthly world.
However, Filipinos live in the Philippines, so we cannot ignore the Philippines.
In the same way, as long as we live in this “earthly world,” we cannot live ignoring this “earthly world.
So, if we ignore this “earthly world” and do not spread information at all, thinking that it will not make much difference, we should not do it.
It is just like a Filipino who does not charge 50 yen and only charges 1 yen, saying that there is no big difference between 1 yen and 50 yen.
In that case, that person has lost 49 yen.
Therefore, both “prayer” and “spreading information” are absolutely necessary and should never be lacking.
However, there are some people who would be anxious to read an article on my blog, such as “World War III may happen,” and so on.
I believe that such people should stop spreading bad information and stick to prayer.
I wrote a detailed article about this the other day.
Please believe that your prayers and spreading the word will change the world.
Our enemies are very powerful.
We are as different from them as a kitten is from a tiger.
No, you could say we are as different as an elephant and an ant.
If a kitten attacks a tiger, even if the tiger does not harm the kitten, the kitten might become mentally depressed and have a psychotic break.
Similarly, it is okay for someone to start a conspiracy theory blog and bash the underworld in an attempt to spread information.
However, it is not okay for someone to become paranoid that they are being stalked by the underworld because they write such a blog when they happen to stare at someone on the street.
What if they start writing paranoid things on their blogs or Twitter pages, such as that they are being stalked by a group of people or that they are being attacked by electromagnetic waves?
The blog or Twitter page will suddenly smell fishy, and no one will pay attention to that person.
In the worst-case scenario, the conspiracy theory itself will be considered a stinker by many people.
Of course, this is not to say that there is no such thing as mass stalking or electromagnetic wave attacks.
But if you look at the blogs of those who claim to be victims of such attacks, you will find that most of them are somewhat psychotic.
Once you see them, you will never want to see them again.
Therefore, I think it would be wise for mentally weak people, or people who are aware of their mental weakness, not to spread information.
Rather, it is more effective to pray quietly alone. Because this prayer will surely destroy the devil.
Moreover, by praying quietly regularly, a person’s mental state will also improve. Prayer has such an effect. I can say this clearly from my experience.
And it is not impossible that someone else’s prayer can inspire another blogger and be very powerful in spreading information.
Therefore, my opinion is that each of us should pray and spread information as we are inspired.
If you are afraid of spreading information and do not have such tools, then you should pray.
If he/she does not believe in the power of prayer, then he/she should spread the word.
If each person does what he or she can do, eventually the dust will settle and the mountains will rise.
And we should be able to remove the demons from both the spiritual world and the earthly world.
…… However, in the past few days, both the A and B groups have been making a big deal about the Islamic State.
The A group is still making a big fuss and saying “America is to blame” and “America and Abe are in cahoots and trying to start a war.
The B group is making a big fuss, saying “Don’t pay the ransom,” “Don’t give in to terrorism,” and so on.
Some people have had their Facebook accounts deleted because of such a big fuss. This makes it seem as if the person’s speech is the right thing to do.
So there is a possibility that the underworld is deleting them on purpose.
Well, we are not sure about that. ……
However, as I clearly wrote the day before yesterday, the abduction of Japanese by the Islamic State is clearly just an excuse for the “Emperor Faction” and the “Church Faction” to start a global war.
The start of World War II was supposedly triggered by Germany’s invasion of Poland. But why should all the nations of the world be drawn into a war over such a thing?
No one had ever given me a satisfactory explanation for this.
But when I solved the mystery, I found that World War II was actually a war between the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction.
World War II was a power struggle between Rothschild and Rockefeller. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17901
The world is based on the struggle between the “Emperor = Rothschild” and the “Vatican = Rockefeller”.
By blaming Hitler alone as the cause of World War II, it was kept secret that the conflict between the “Emperor” and the “Papacy” brought the whole world into the vortex of war.
In the same way, this time the “Islamic State” is being invented to create the illusion that the whole world is about to be drawn into a war because of the “Islamic State.
That is why Abe has gone to the Middle East and Egypt to conduct “dismemberment diplomacy” and provoke the anger of the Islamic State.
I think the words of conspiracy theorists who don’t understand such things and just bash the U.S. and Abe are just empty words.
The real masterminds are the “Emperor” and the “Vatican”.
So maybe Abe didn’t want to play the role of the villain, so he turned against the Emperor all the time: ……
So, the Emperor got angry and beat Abe’s cabinet hard: ……
This may have been the truth behind the Abe bashing that took place before the snap election.
And Keisuke Kuwata, who belongs to the same “Emperor’s faction”, found out about this situation and bashed Abe and Hitler together in a performance.
This may be the reason why he was beaten.
Famous conspiracy theorists have also been bashing Abe as Hitler for a long time. ……
I think they knew it would happen sooner or later. That is why they kept bashing Abe.
So, I would like to talk about ancient history tomorrow, but I don’t know what will happen under the current circumstances.
For now, I will upload the article as I am inspired.
Please bear with me.