Is he an agent sent to Syria to sacrifice Mr. Yukawa to the Islamic State?

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 25 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
“RAPT Note” There are conspiracy theorists who link to this blog post and slander me by writing that Kenji Goto was Japanese because he had a passport. They are agents of the underworld supporting the “Emperor”, the head of the underworld. Please beware of their distraction.
(For more information, click here)
Most of you who have been reading this blog for a long time are probably regular readers of conspiracy theories.
So, I don’t think I need to explain every time how the media lies to us common people.
However, there are many newcomers who visit this blog every day.
So, for now, I would like to talk about how the media has reported nothing but lies about the abduction of Japanese citizens by the Islamic State.
In conclusion, the abductee, Kenji Goto, was not Japanese.
He is a Korean citizen.
He did not have Japanese citizenship, and he simply used a Japanese name without permission.
Therefore, it is wrong to say that the Islamic State is threatening Japan.
They should demand a ransom from neighboring South Korea.
However, the media is still making a big deal about the Japanese government’s response and other unimportant things.
In the meantime, please read the following article.
—————- (Reprinted below from Facebook)
Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto were the two ISIS hostages.
I felt uncomfortable that the media did not report about them.
But with the appearance of Junko Ishido, Kenji Goto’s mother, I now understand the whole story that the media wanted to hide.
According to the original information, the news reported the story that Kenji Goto tried to save Haruna Yukawa, but was tricked and arrested in a rescue operation.
However, according to a blog post by the person in question, Kenji Goto had been guiding Haruna Yukawa from the time she first infiltrated the Islamic State.
In other words, Kenji Goto was the mastermind behind Haruna Yukawa’s infiltration into the Islamic State in the first place. Therefore, we know that Goto worked to save him.
This Kenji Goto is a Protestant who belongs to a Korean Protestant church in a left-wing building in Nishiwaseda, Japan.
The same building is a famous Zainichi leftist building where the offices of Kujo no Kai, the Nuclear Maru group, and the racist Shibakitai are also located.
The mother’s name is Ishido, not Goto.
At the mother’s press conference, various unpleasant words were uttered.
And as expected, the media hastily cut off the story with commercials as soon as she revealed his father’s occupation.
As expected, the media interrupted the commercial in a panic when he said that his father was the head of the Korean army.
His wife and son have different surnames for some reason.
I don’t know if it’s Park or Kim, but the father is Korean and his surname should be Korean.
But his wife is Ishido and his son is Goto. Yes, these are aliases.
The fact that they can use aliases means that they have not acquired Japanese citizenship.
And the mother called for anti-nuclear power and world peace, which have nothing to do with the case.
In other words, she is a pro-citizen.
Her mother is a pro-Japanese Korean citizen and her father is a former Korean military elite.
This is the true identity of Kenji Goto, who was active in the Islamic State and involved Haruna Yukawa.
With the appearance of the mother, what was once only a suspicion has become a fact.
The media is making a big fuss about the rescue of Japanese nationals.
But a Japanese citizen is a “person who has Japanese citizenship.
In this sense, Kenji Goto is not a Japanese citizen.
We hope that the Islamic State will tell them that Kenji Goto is a Korean national and that the ransom should be demanded from the Minzoku or South Korea.
A non-Japanese invited Haruna Yukawa, a suicidal man whose life was in ruins, to infiltrate the Islamic State.
The truth is that Haruna Yukawa, a lackey, was captured and he himself was captured in a lone rescue operation.
If you live in Japan, I hope you can live a life that does not cause trouble for the Japanese people or the Japanese government.
Kenji Goto is not Japanese.
The media should report this fact accurately.
This is a case of a non-Japanese pretending to be Japanese and causing trouble for the Japanese people and the Japanese government.
The leftists are saying to freeze humanitarian aid or pay ransom to save them because they are their friends, and it is the leftist activists in Japan who are being held by ISAS.
As for the mother’s statement, if she were Japanese, she would apologize for the trouble her son caused.
But on the contrary, Kenji expressed no remorse, saying that he is a kind but good boy and wants to be saved. This is the opinion of a non-Japanese culture with a non-Japanese ideology.
Leftists are really annoying.
—————- (reprinted to here)
So, this incident has made the “Korean Protestant Church belonging to a leftist building in Nishiwaseda, Japan” mentioned in the above article famous.
And my article about this church is also getting a lot of attention.
There is a great possibility that Christian Protestantism has been taken over by Satanists. The “Japan Christian Church” was the same as the anti-Japanese forces in Japan.
In the Abaco Building in Nishiwaseda, there is a huge Christian Protestant organization called “Christian Church of Japan”.
In reality, however, this “Christian Church of Japan” is a front for anti-Japanese Zainichi groups and is not a purely Christian organization.
It is a cover for the underworld under the guise of the “Vatican” as a Catholic organization.
Likewise, the “Japan Christian Church” is an underworld smokescreen masquerading as Protestantism.
Furthermore, Protestant churches throughout Japan are labeled as “heretical” unless they are recognized as official Christian churches by the “Japan Christian Church.
That is how strong the authority of the “Japan Christian Church” is in Japan.
However, as I said before, this “Japan Christian Church” is the true “heresy.
They have formed the following anti-Japanese organizations one after another.
They have been using the address of the “Abaco Building” mentioned above in their pamphlets.
Same Address :2-3-18 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Citizens’ Circle to Protect Kohmoto
Katayama Stop Network
Don’t allow Honda! Yoshimoto Emergency Rally Secretariat
Human Rights Committee for Foreign Residents in Japan
Institute for Korean Studies in Japan
Korean Christian Association in Japan
Korean Christian Association in Japan National Youth Council
National Christian Federation to tackle the issue of the Foreign Registration Law
Network for Realizing Systemic Guarantees for Foreign and Ethnic Schools
Women’s War and Peace Museum
Liaison Council on Wartime Sexual Violence Issues
Christian Liaison Conference on Refugee and Migrant Workers Issues
Ishihara Stop Network
Do not allow the distortion of history! Asia Solidarity Emergency Meeting
National Network in Solidarity with Migrant Workers
There must be some Protestant churchgoers who attend these “Japan Christian Church” type churches in good health without knowing about these underworld affairs.
It is too early to assume that Kenji Goto is involved with the underworld just because he attends a Japan Christian Church.
However, as mentioned in the above article, his father is the head of the South Korean military.
In addition, his mother and Mr. Kenji Goto each use aliases.
Therefore, it is obvious that Mr. Kenji Goto is not a real Japanese.
And yet the media does not publicize this fact.
This alone shows how false the media reports are.
Let me add that South Korea, Shinzo Abe and the United States are all involved.
They all belong to an underworld cult called the “Papists.
You have to be a regular reader of this blog to understand this.
Please see the following links for more information.
Maehara Seiji is a close friend of the Yodo-go kidnappers. Shinzo Abe is tough on North Korea and friendly to South Korea. What is the reason?
The Rockefeller plan to destroy the emperor was behind the Livedoor scandal. The arrest of Holliemon was also to keep his mouth shut.
Therefore, it is a lie that Mr. Kenji Goto was abducted, and there is a great possibility that he is a “Papist” agent in Japan.
Therefore, I had wondered if the other abductee, Mr. Yukawa, was also an agent.
But today’s news said that he was killed.
Muslim state detainee: Prime Minister Abe: “The picture is highly credible” – Mainichi Shimbun
We do not know whether Mr. Yukawa was really killed or not.
If he was really killed, it means that Mr. Yukawa was not an agent.
Therefore, Mr. Goto took Mr. Yukawa to Syria as an agent to sacrifice him to the Islamic State.
And then he decided to actually kill Mr. Yukawa and increase the Japanese people’s hatred of the Islamic State. This may have been the scenario of the underworld.
In fact, the story is that they entered Syria separately, but that seems to be just a front, and the two of them actually entered Syria together.
The media hides this fact for some reason.
The media does not accurately report the relationship between Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa: The World Weary Day by Day.
Of course, hiding this fact means that there is something behind it.
So, for my part, I can only assume that Mr. Goto invited him to Syria in order to sacrifice Mr. Yukawa to the Islamic State. ……
In fact, looking at the scene of their captivity, Mr. Yukawa seems somewhat frightened and exhausted.
Mr. Goto does not look as frightened or exhausted.

Therefore, only Mr. Goto is an agent of the underworld.
According to the scenario drawn up by the underworld, he first pretended to be a journalist on television and announced his entry into Syria.
The following is part of the video footage from that time.

So they pretended that he and Mr. Yukawa had been kidnapped, and the current riot broke out.
Then a person claiming to be Yukawa’s mother appeared on TV and held a press conference of a dubious nature.
Here is the video of this press conference.
This mother heard Kenji Goto’s voice when he was abducted and said that it was not her son’s voice.
The mother said she heard Kenji Goto’s voice when he was abducted and said, “It is not my son’s voice.
Goto’s mother: “It’s not my son’s voice.” Expert: “More than 99% probability that it’s Mr. Goto’s own voice.”
Well, the devil always tells the truth only 99% of the time, and lies only the remaining 1%.
So when an expert says 99% instead of 100%, I get “suspicious.
Well, it doesn’t matter.
Based on the mother’s press conference, it is hard to believe that she is in on it.
It looks more like she was used by the underworld as a “tragic heroine” in a good way.
Thanks in part to this effect, the media reports that “the Islamic State has kidnapped Japanese citizens and threatened the Japanese government” now seem to be believed by many in the B class.
This may lead the Japanese, who have always opposed war at all costs, to believe that attacking the Islamic State is inevitable.
At the very least, there will be more and more journalists on TV talking about such things.
Even the Kazuya Channel may start saying such things.
They will probably say, “We should fight terrorism, not give in to it.
They will probably try to get the Islamic State to accept a preemptive strike against them, even if it means ignoring the Peace Constitution.
Of course, the “A” class will say, “Abe has provoked the wrath of the Islamic State because of the huge amount of money he has spread around the world. What a bastard Abe is!
But even that will not hurt the underworld.
Because if we let them make such a fuss, the real masterminds, the “Emperor” and the “Vatican”, will not be suspected by anyone.
And they can start World War III as a “War on Terror”.
For more information, see the following links
The kidnapping of Japanese by the Islamic State can be a stepping stone to World War III.
So, the “Emperor Faction” attacks the Islamic State hiding in the “Papist” countries, and the “Papists” attack the Islamic State hiding in the “Emperor Faction” countries.
The power struggle between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papist Faction” begins under the guise of such an excuse. ……
Shinzo Abe did not want to play such a role of Hitler and tried to refuse the role to the Emperor, but the Emperor was furious with Abe and had him expose the scandals of the Abe cabinet one by one.
The Emperor, however, was furious with Abe and exposed one scandal after another in his cabinet.
Instead of being demoted in the underworld, he chose to be stigmatized in the surface society and promoted in the underworld, and decided to play the role of Hitler as it was. ……
That is why the Abe government was formed again in this snap election.
And if the “Emperor Faction” wins World War III, the “Restoration Party” and Ichiro Ozawa and others will be able to say that they will pursue the LDP’s responsibility for the war.
The “Emperor Faction” politicians will take the helm of Japanese politics, first moving the capital from Tokyo to Kansai, and then promoting a Japan-centered NWO.
If you think this is just my fantasy, please read the article linked below.
The campaign to move the capital to Kansai and praise the Emperor is about to begin in earnest in the political world. Watch out for the moves of Hashimoto, Koizumi, Hosokawa and Ozawa.
About the internal strife of the Rockefeller family. Or the strange connection between Jay Rockefeller, Ichiro Ozawa and Toru Hashimoto.
Of course, if the “papists” win, the US-centered NWO will continue, and Japan will become a full vassal state of the US.
Of course, Japan will be forced to swallow the TPP.
(I can’t help but think that perhaps the momentum for war was also fueled by the collapse of the TPP negotiations.)
The LDP continued as the ruling party, with only Abe and Ishiba being held accountable for the war.
Seiwa-kai politicians then took over Japanese politics. …… (If you don’t know what the Seiwa-kai is, please see the following link.)
About the Seiwakai and the Keiseikai. Or a simple way to divide Japanese politicians into “Emperor Faction” and “Papal Faction”.
Well, here is the scenario that the underworld has drawn up.
I have heard rumors here and there on the Internet that the Rothschilds will soon make “Ichiro Ozawa” the Emperor of Japan.
The rumors may not be entirely wrong.
Of course, that is if the “Emperor Faction” wins World War III. ……
Of course, we should pray and spread the word to prevent even a war.