English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The main reason why Crown Princess Masako has been marginalized and the Akishino family is experiencing a boom in Kako’s popularity.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 11 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Yesterday I briefly discussed how the conspiracy theorists who claim that the Islamic State is a puppet of the U.S. and Israel are full of nonsense.

When the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, it was pretty much proof that the Islamic State is a puppet of the emperor’s regime. https://nozomi-creation.com/when-the-islamic-extremist-group-boko-haram-pledged-allegiance-to-the-islamic-state-it-was-as-good-as-proof-that-the-islamic-state-is-a-puppet-of-the-emperors-faction/

Now, famous conspiracy theorists are still blaming the U.S. and Israel, saying that Israel and the U.S. made up the “Islamic State” scandal.

But they never mention how close Israel and the Emperor are.

Moreover, as briefly mentioned the other day, Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, also declared a friendship city agreement with the city of Ayabe in Kyoto in 2009.

(For more information, please see the following link.)

Who Pare 16 of NPO Ispare https://oomoto.or.jp/wp/jinruiaizenkai/

This “Ayabe City” is the birthplace of “Nao Deguchi,” the founder of “Oomoto-kyo,” and “Oomoto-kyo” is truly a religion of emperor worship.

Also, Shizusui Hirose, father of the fifth head minister of “Oomoto-kyo,” “Kurenai Deguchi,” serves as the “Chairman of the World Federation of Japanese Religions Committee” and promotes what is called the “World Federation Movement.

In addition, there was a registered association called “Japan Israel Friendship Association” here in Japan.

Akira Jindo, an executive of a religious organization called “The Tabernacle of Christ”, was once its president (he is currently a board member).

Director’s Brief Introduction | About JIFA | Japan-Israel Friendship Association https://japan-israel-friendship.or.jp/about/director/

The Chairman of the Japan-Israel Friendship Association is Christ – The Society for Palestine Studies. https://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?comm_id=6451&id=49775358

So, this “Akira Jindo” is also a member of the “Committee of the World Federation of Religions of Japan. There you have it.

He is a member of the “World Federalist Movement Association,” which famous conspiracy theorists never mention.

So, what kind of organization is this “World Federalist Society”?

I found out that its secretariat is located in New York and that branches have been established in 60 countries and regions around the world.

In addition, the following was written as the “Principles of Activities”.

—————- (The following is taken from Wikipedia)

The World Federation Movement is based on the principles of the Montreux Declaration of 1947

The World Federation shall be an association of all nations and peoples of the world.

The World Federation shall be a world government.

The laws of the World Federation shall apply to individuals, not to nations.

All national militaries will be abolished and a world police force will be established.

Nuclear energy will be owned and controlled solely by the government of the World Federation.

The expenses of the World Federation will be covered by individual taxes, not by contributions from national governments.

The World Federation will be a world organization that is not a national organization, but an individual organization.

 —————- (reprinted here)

Maybe this is the “NWO” they are going for. But just reading about it gives me the creeps. Frankly, I don’t want such a world to come.

In a way, it seems that they are claiming to unite the world to realize world peace.

But who will be the head of the world government?

In short, the head of the world government is predetermined. Of course, it will be the “emperor. After all, the “Tabernacle of Christ” is also a member of the extreme right-wing organization “Nippon Kaigi.

The agents of the Japanese underworld have only one goal. The only way is to revive National Shinto. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23528

As I wrote the other day, Nippon Kaigi wants to revive National Shinto. In other words, they want to elevate the Emperor to the status of a god, just as they did before the war.

Revival of “National Shinto” as envisioned by the Nippon Kaigi. The Abe government aims to create a nation capable of waging war for the Emperor. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-nippon-kaigi-plans-to-revive-state-shinto/

It is obvious that there is a strong connection between Israel and the Emperor.

But famous conspiracy theorists always completely ignore this kind of history.

Moreover, they always try hard to blame the U.S., Israel, and Abe, saying that Israel, the U.S., and Shinzo Abe are in cahoots and doing something devious.

However, there is no way that Shinzo Abe can cooperate with Israel and the U.S. on his own and move the country’s politics and diplomacy as he pleases.

That is how the power structure works in this world.

Emperor >> Pope > King > President > Prime Minister

Abe is the lowest ranking “Prime Minister”, so no matter how hard he tries, he cannot do anything that big.

This alone shows how much bullshit these famous conspiracy theorists are talking.

And yet, many conspiracy enthusiasts now buy into the stories of these famous conspiracy theorists.

Frankly, I am fed up with this reality.


And one more thing. What I am fed up with is that the “Kako-sama” boom is accelerating these days.

The media is trying to ignite the imperial family boom by calling Kako-sama “cute, cute” all at once.

Of course, they are trying to push their emperor-centered NWO plan.

So, it is only natural for them to glorify the Imperial Family.

However, while they put the Akishino family in the spotlight, for some reason they do not mention the Crown Prince very much.

On the contrary, they continue to report negatively on Crown Princess Masako, as if to say, “Gods be praised if you don’t touch her.

For this reason, there are serious rumors on the Internet that there may be a power struggle between Prince Akishino and the Crown Prince.

However, the reality is probably not so simple.

In fact, there is an unexpected mechanism at work here as well.

Crown Princess Masako’s father is Hisashi Owada, a former Japanese diplomat who is now a judge at the International Court of Justice.

In the past, he served as its director.

Hisashi Owada – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E5%92%8C%E7%94%B0%E6%81%86

And when he was president of that court, the Wikipedia article says that he “ruled that there was no violation of international law on the issue of Kosovo’s independence from Serbia” (see linked article above).

In other words, they publicly recognized “Kosovo’s independence”.

When I read this article, I had assumed that this Hisashi Owada had issued a ruling that was convenient for the “Emperor’s Faction”.

After all, he is the father of the Crown Princess.

I thought there was no way he would make a decision that was bad for the Emperor’s Faction.

However, upon closer examination, I found the opposite to be true.

For some reason, he had made a decision that was convenient for the “papists.

The group seeking Kosovo’s independence was called the “Kosovo Liberation Army,” an armed group formed by Albanians.

Its emblem was “bright red” and “Yatagarasu” (three-legged crow). It is clearly an “imperialist faction.

Coat of arms of the Kosovo Liberation Army

So, I thought that Serbia might be a “papist” country.

But in fact, the flag of Serbia has the same color scheme as that of Russia, the double-headed eagle.

It was obvious that Serbia was an “imperialist” country.

Flag of Serbia

Flag of Russia

The national emblem of Russia

Serbia is also an “Emperor’s Faction”, and the Kosovo Liberation Army is also an “Emperor’s Faction”.

If this is the case, it is impossible for these two forces to fight each other at all.

In other words, the “Kosovo conflict” was a fabrication of the underworld, and in fact the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” were fighting for territory behind the scenes.

This is exactly the same story as the “Islamic State” scandal.

The “Islamic State” was used as a pretext for the battle between the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction”. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-the-structure-of-the-battle-between-the-emperors-faction-and-the-papal-faction-under-the-pretext-of-the-islamic-state/

As evidence, when Kosovo gained independence from Serbia, the following design was adopted for the flag of Kosovo.

There is no “red” and no “yatagarasu”.

It is clearly a “papist” flag.

In other words, the “papists” have taken Kosovo from Serbia.

And in the final court decision on whether or not to recognize the independence of Kosovo, the father of Crown Princess Masako, “Tsune Owada”, somehow made a decision that was convenient for the “Papists”.

He allowed Kosovo to become a territory of the “Papalists.

When I realized this fact, I felt as if I finally understood why Masako-sama had been harassed so much by the Imperial Family.

For some reason, Tsune Owada must have sided with the Papalists.

Perhaps he had fallen into some kind of trap set by the Papists.

He had no choice but to become a lapdog of the “Papalists.

Or he may have been a spy of the “papists” from the beginning.

However, it is hard to believe that the Emperor’s family would not be aware of such a thing and accept the daughter of a “Papist” spy as a crown princess. I do not think the Emperor’s family is that stupid.

Therefore, “Tsune Owada” fell into Rockefeller’s trap and became Rockefeller’s lapdog after bringing his own daughter into the imperial family.

And he set up some backstage maneuvers for Rockefeller. ……

Then, one day, the imperial family realized this fact. So his daughter “Masako-sama” had to be shunned by the Imperial Family. …… In addition, she was forbidden to attend any official functions. …… 

Perhaps it was an outright lie that she was unable to perform official duties due to “illness.

Furthermore, I suspect that they were trying to brand Masako as a “disqualified crown princess” by branding her not as “sick” but as “mentally ill.

They may have wanted to push Masako to the point of divorce at the last moment.

However, the Crown Prince divorcing the Crown Princess was not a good idea, so instead they created Akishino Family Fever to keep the Crown Prince and Crown Princess out of the spotlight.

They decided to use “Kako-sama” as a framework.

After all, Kako-sama is a good-looking girl.

So, they thought that if they could get the media to make a little fuss about how pretty and cute she was, the public would get on board.

In fact, the public fell for the Kako fever just as they had hoped.

In addition, they used the far-right organization “Nippon Kaigi” to strongly oppose a female emperor.

They even tried to prevent the Crown Prince’s daughter “Princess Aiko” from becoming emperor after his death.

So, they made it look like a boy was born into the Akishino family so that the Akishino bloodline would take over the position of emperor.

There was no way that a boy would be born to Akishinomiya at such an opportune time.

Therefore, they must have brought in a child from somewhere else and forced him to be the heir of the Akishino family.

Of course, this is no mere speculation.

There have always been many unsavory rumors about the blood ties of the Akishino family. Some time ago, someone introduced me to the following article.

—————- (The following is reprinted from an essay by a social scientist)

 (*)The link has expired.

The two sons of Emperor Heisei, when you think about it, do not resemble each other at all in terms of biology and genetics. It is only in their qualities that one can see such a difference that one is tempted to wonder what is going on. The brothers are not only different in height, but also in their physical characteristics, which is definitely noticeable.

From left to right: Tokujin, Lord Akishino, and Kiyoko Kuroda.

When Tokujin, his younger brother (Prince Akishino), and his younger sister (Sayako Kuroda, now the wife of Tokyo Metropolitan Government official Yoshiki Kuroda) are placed side by side, one has to wonder how they could have the same parents. If I may be so bold, these three siblings seem to have different qualities compared to each other. The expression “the resemblance of others” is often used, but is it enough to say that one parent is the same as the other, or is it more accurate to say that the three siblings share the same parents, as in the case of ……?

—————- (reprinted here)

Well, the same can be said about Kako and her sister Mako. To be honest, I don’t think they were born of the same parents. ……

In any case, the behind-the-scenes maneuvering of the “Papalists” using “Tsune Owada” was exposed and failed.

After that, Masako-sama was bashed extensively, and the public’s attention shifted to Prince Akishino instead of the Crown Prince.

The rest, like “Prince Tomohito” and “Prince Yoshihito,” will probably end with the assassination of the Crown Prince at the age of 66.

I think it is not impossible because there is a precedent.

The emperor’s family is full of satanic symbols. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=14467

Looking at it this way, I have a feeling that the reason they were assassinated was because they had turned to the “papalists.

However, looking at the current world situation, it seems that they have not yet given up on their own restoration of power.

For our part, we can only hope that they will do their best to cannibalize each other and collapse together.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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