English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The true meaning of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s isolation and Christian ban.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 15 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. 


The true meaning of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s isolation and Christian ban. Was Tokugawa Ieyasu really a Satanist?

Over the last few days I have been talking about the link between Satanism and the secret facilities under Tokyo.

We have also stumbled upon a new mystery here.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was supported by a Satanist called Queen Elizabeth,

And it is now suspected that he was building a secret underground facility for her.

(Yesterday’s article is below.)

The strange link between the Marunouchi subway, GHQ, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Queen Elizabeth and the Jesuits. There are also secret Papist facilities under Tokyo. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-strange-connection-between-the-marunouchi-subway-line-ghq-tokugawa-ieyasu-queen-elizabeth-and-the-jesuits/

However, it is not impossible that Tokugawa Ieyasu built Tokyo’s underground simply as a loophole from Edo Castle, which the ‘Emperor’s faction’ renovated during the Meiji period and the ‘Papal faction’ simply renovated as a Satanic cult facility after the end of the war.

It is therefore difficult to believe that Tokugawa Ieyasu was a Satanist on this basis alone.

But Tokugawa Ieyasu was supported by Queen Elizabeth, who helped him to become the head of Japan.

So it would have been almost impossible for him to live as a normal person after that.

Those who have received favors from the devil must repay them to the devil.

That’s the iron rule in the devil’s world: if you don’t, the devil will strike you down.

However, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not lose his position.

On the contrary, he established a long and peaceful reign of 260 years.

So the possibility that Tokugawa Ieyasu was involved in devil worship is still very high.

Firstly, Queen Elizabeth would not have supported Tokugawa Ieyasu with weapons for no reason.

There must have been a good reason.

In the video I introduced yesterday, it was explained that Queen Elizabeth made a pre-emptive move to prevent Spain and Portugal from monopolizing Japanese silver.

But was that really her only intention?

Most of the supposed historical stories told in textbooks and by the media are rubbish.

When I was researching the charade of the Second World War, I also realized how bogus the history taught in schools was.

The Second World War was a power struggle between Rothschild and Rockefeller. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17901

The world is based on the struggle between the Emperor = Rothschild and the Vatican = Rockefeller. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17932

So, there must have been a deeper reason for Queen Elizabeth to support Tokugawa Ieyasu with arms.

Or, let’s be clear here.

She must have made a pre-emptive move to stop the Emperor-centered NWO project.

Of course, in the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the Rothschild power did not exist, nor did the ‘Emperor Faction’ as I call it.

However, there has always been a smouldering desire among Satanists to establish a Japan-centered NWO. This has been the subject of previous articles.

Why Satanists are so obsessed with Japan-centric NWO plans. Japan was probably the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17651

We also know that the ‘Knights Templar’ (the forerunners of Freemasonry) may have been interested in Japan and went as far as Japan before Marco Polo wrote his ‘Book of Eastern Discourses’ (1298).

For more information, see the links below.

From the time Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo and Rothschild became one of the world’s largest conglomerates, the plan for a Japan-centred NWO was already in place.

Therefore, there is a possibility that the ‘Emperor Faction’ tried to establish an Emperor-centred NWO by funding Ishida Mitsunari, an enemy of the Tokugawa, and forcing Ishida Mitsunari to take over the country.

However, the ‘papist’ Queen Elizabeth tried to block this plan. She then provided Tokugawa Ieyasu with weapons in advance and made him win the ‘Battle of Sekigahara’.

Ieyasu, of course, did not want to lose his kingdom to the Emperor.

So he must have continued to work with Queen Elizabeth, who was a ‘papist’.

The ‘seclusion’ of the country must have been to stop the Emperor-centred NWO project.

By breaking off diplomatic relations with other countries, they were trying to prevent Westerners from coming into contact with the Emperor.

When I say this, some may say.

Didn’t Tokugawa Ieyasu also ban Christianity? Wasn’t that a measure to prevent the Vatican from invading Japan?

But it is premature to think so.

To be clear, almost all Westerners at that time were Christians.

They only went to church on Sundays, and the rest of their lives had nothing to do with their faith.

Such Westerners were and are very common. You could say that almost 100% of Westerners were like that in the past.

So, of course, the Satanists of that time, both the ‘Templars’ and the ‘Papists’, would all have called themselves Christians.

In fact, the aforementioned ‘Knights Templar’ are also a group of Christians.

To begin with, there are four main factions of Christianity, which are also divided into many sects.


Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Liturgical Catholic Church, Chinese Orthodox Patriarchate, various Catholic orders (Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Society of Foreign Missions of Paris, Benedictines, Cistercians, Augustinians, Knights of St. John, Salesians, Society of the Divine Word, etc.).


Patriarchate of Constantinople, Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church, Albanian Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Japanese Orthodox Church, etc.


Lutheran, Reformed (Zwingli, Baptist, Calvinist, Presbyterian), Congregational, Quaker, Methodist, Holiness, Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Amish, etc.


Church of England, Anglican Church of Wales, Anglican Church of Scotland, Anglican Church of Ireland, Reformed Supervisory Church of Spain, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Church of America, Anglican Church of Mexico, Anglican Church of Brazil, Anglican Church of Japan, Anglican Church of Australia, etc.


Of course, not all of these sects are Satanist groups.

Some are purely Christian sects. However, all sects can have their own Satanists lurking within them.

Of these, the Roman Catholic Church is the one with the strongest Satanic influence.

In other words, the Vatican. There should not be a single pure Christian in the Vatican.

So what are the sects in Spain and Portugal that Queen Elizabeth was hostile to?

This is, in a sense, ‘Catholic’.

However, it is not impossible that the ‘Emperor faction’ and the ‘Papal faction’ arose from within this ‘Catholicism’.

Therefore, it is believed that Tokugawa Ieyasu’s ban on Christianity was a move to eliminate the ‘Emperor faction’ rather than the ‘Papal faction’.

In fact, Tokugawa Ieyasu continued to trade with the Dutch East India Company even after he closed the country to the outside world.

This East India Company is also in England. Ostensibly, the British and Dutch East India Companies are two different companies. However, the fact that they share the same name suggests that there must have been some connection between them at the root.

Indeed, Tokugawa Ieyasu seems to have traded extensively with China (with which the British East India Company had strong links (opium trade)).

Isolation – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%8E%96%E5%9B%BD

Tokugawa Ieyasu continued to trade with the ‘papists’, but excluded all other foreign powers at every turn.

In this way, he would have been on high alert to ensure that no foreigners approached the emperor.

In the 1800s, however, the Rothschilds arrived in Japan with a great deal of money saved up.

And they tried to contact the emperor in Kyoto. However, they found it impossible due to the strict surveillance of the Tokugawa family.

So he made tentative contact with the Tabuse clan of the southern court, who were discriminated against as eta-hinin. He decided to use them to begin secret talks with the Emperor of the Northern Court (Emperor Komei).

This was because no one would be suspicious of a meeting between a Japanese and an emperor.

As a result, Emperor Komei was happy and decided to become the ruler of the world (Emperor behind the scenes). He said that he did not want to remain at the mercy of the Tokugawa family.

The emperors of the northern and southern dynasties joined forces to win over the Tokugawa family.

And so the Great Government came to an end. ……

This may be the truth of history.

In a way, it makes sense of the history from the Edo period to the Meiji period.

So it is very possible that Tokugawa Ieyasu was also a devil worshipper of the ‘Papal Faction’ and that he was a check on the ‘Emperor Faction’.

In my next article, I will explore the mystery of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Incidentally, there are still many people who call themselves Christians, both among the Rothschilds and the Emperors.

In the case of the Emperors, they are probably Christians to make it easier for them to interact with the Rothschilds.

So it is premature to assume that all Satanists who call themselves Christians are ‘papists’.

In fact, ICU University, which the Imperial Princess Kako attends, is a ‘Protestant’ Lutheran university.

This Lutheranism is a Protestant sect and has nothing to do with the Vatican; Jay Rockefeller, who studied at ICU, also appears to have had a father who called himself a Lutheran.

In addition to Kako, many other members of the Imperial Family appear to have Christian connections.

Again, the Vatican is not necessarily involved.

Imperial Family and Christianity | Blog of Logos Ministries https://www.logos-ministries.org/blog/?p=6114

This article shows that Emperor Showa was also quite interested in Christianity.

But I think he was not interested in real Christianity, only the Christianity invented by the Satanists.

Or he was surprised by the details about the ‘devil’ in the Bible, which was not written by a Satanist.

This may be why he decided to study Christianity in detail.

And finally, he thought that this Christianity should be thoroughly suppressed.

Monotheism is not suitable for the Japanese. Japanese people are suitable for 8 million gods’.

They may have spread propaganda like this.

They must have been the ones who spread falsehoods like ‘Christianity was born out of Mithraism’.

The great lie that Christianity was born out of Mithraism. Mithraism is Satanism, and Satanists have mixed elements of Satanism into Christianity. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16597

Proof that the ‘Tower of Babel’ is a symbol of the NWO. Or the ‘Tower of Babel’ built in Japan. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=19145

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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