(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 17 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Only if conspiracy theorists remain ‘fair and neutral’ will the number of truly awakened people increase. It is absolutely forbidden to introduce ‘compassion’ into the academic world.
I’m going to take another chopstick break here for a moment.
The content of my blog is becoming increasingly different from the content of other conspiracy theory blogs.
My blog began to differ from other conspiracy blogs when I started preaching about the Emperor’s conspiracy.
Later, when I started writing about the underworld being divided into two warring forces, the ‘Emperor’s Faction’ and the ‘Papal Faction’, and that they were engaged in spiritual warfare, the divergence became more intense.
All previous conspiracy theories have portrayed the USA as the bad guy and the opponents as the good guys.
But in fact, it turned out that Ichiro Ozawa, Putin and even the BRICS, who were hostile to the US, were the demons of the ‘Emperor’s School’.
I have come to realize that praising them is out of place.
And this is a solid fact.
Yet, well-known conspiracy theorists still praise Ozawa Ichiro and Putin.
So many conspiracy enthusiasts are taken in by them and call themselves fans of Ozawa Ichiro and Putin.
But conspiracy theory is an academic discipline.
It is certainly considered ‘heretical’ in the world of orthodox academia.
However, I believe that conspiracy theory is indeed a legitimate discipline that ‘pursues the truth’.
And in academia it is absolutely forbidden to have ‘feelings’ for anyone in particular.
And it is absolutely forbidden to call yourself an Ozawa fan or a Putin fan, for example.
However, there are too many conspiracy theory enthusiasts who call themselves such ‘˜fans.
Many of them do not realize how dangerous this is.
I find that alarming.
Of course, individual bloggers and information disseminators may not be aware that they are academics, but merely bloggers or mere web surfers.
That may be why they can call themselves Ozawa fans or Putin fans with impunity.
However, if we ask why these conspiracy theorists entered the world of conspiracy theories, I think it was because they did not want to be deceived by the mass media and had a genuine desire to know and spread the truth of this world.
It’s not like they got into the world of conspiracy theories because they liked Ozawa or because they liked Putin.
And yet, when they hear famous conspiracy theorists say ‘Ozawa will be fine’, ‘Putin will be fine’, ‘BRICS will be fine’, they believe them and become Ozawa and Putin fans.
They then start promoting Ozawa and Putin with impunity.
This is not much different from those B-class housewives who say they like Koizumi Shinjiro because he is good-looking.
Putin looks very serious and innocent.
No matter how much the US beats him up, he never raises his voice in anger and tries to deal with everything calmly, so he looks like a man of tremendous character.
However, I wrote in an article the other day that most underworld agents can be brought up as multiple personalities.
And that article has some credibility.
The reality is that many Satanists have multiple personalities and have been abused from childhood. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-many-satanists-have-multiple-personalities-and-have-been-abused-since-childhood/
Therefore, it is not impossible that Putin (being the head of a huge country like Russia) has also been brought up with multiple personalities.
Therefore, even if he appears to be a good person on the surface, we have no idea what kind of evil things he is doing behind the scenes.
We also found out that there is some kind of connection between Russia and the Soka Gakkai.
This Soka Gakkai is an agent among agents of the underworld.
The reality is that the Soka Gakkai is deeply rooted in the BRICS countries. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17984
Muneo Suzuki is a politician with a Soka vote. Xi Jinping may also be a graduate of Soka University; BRICS turned out to be black to all intents and purposes. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18010
If you are confronted with these facts and still say ‘Putin will be fine’ or ‘BRICS will be fine’, I no longer think you are crazy.
You have completely deviated from the original purpose of conspiracy theories, which is to ‘pursue the truth’.
The Soka Gakkai is also a great supporter of Ichiro Ozawa. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17608
Ichiro Ozawa has deep ties with the Soka Gakkai. He must be a central figure in the Emperor’s family.
The question is how honest we can really be with ourselves.
Until I wrote these two articles, I was also praising Putin and the BRICS, so to be honest, the content of these two articles was hard for me to accept.
But I started writing my conspiracy theory blog in this way because I didn’t want to be fooled by what the media was telling me.
And because I wanted as many people as possible to know the truth about this world.
And yet, if I were to kick those feelings in the foot and write a series of lies on this blog, I would be violating my own conscience.
So, I would never want to compromise my position of ‘fairness and neutrality’.
However, the famous conspiracy theorists of this world and many conspiracy theory enthusiasts have forgotten this position of ‘fairness and neutrality’.
They call themselves Ozawa fans and Putin fans, and continue to write articles that glorify them.
While they criticize the media for not being ‘fair and neutral’, they themselves undermine the ‘fair and neutral’ position.
Their attitude can only be described as unconscionable.
It would be better to write an entertainment blog praising AKB, Arashi and others than to write such articles.
It would do less harm to society.
Of course, famous conspiracy theorists mislead people out of conviction, so there is nothing you can say to them.
So, it is not the famous conspiracy theorists who are the problem.
It is ordinary conspiracy enthusiasts like us.
If we find that what a well-known conspiracy theorist is saying is wrong, or likely to be wrong, we should immediately question it and look for new truths.
It makes sense to do so.
However, when we try to do this, the demon of stubbornness within the person is likely to try to get in the way.
The demon of not wanting to change his or her mind and not wanting to admit that he or she is wrong will begin to sabotage the person.
It is also tedious to pursue new facts.
It is much easier to just shut up and take the famous conspiracy theorists at their word.
So, the demon of ‘laziness’ hinders the person.
It is also really heartbreaking when a person who was a fan of Putin or Ozawa stops being a fan of them.
So, the demon of ‘passion’ hinders the person.
But the demons of this world have misled people by using things like stubbornness, laziness and emotion.
They have always used this ‘stubbornness’, ‘laziness’ and ‘emotion’ to mind-control people and turn them away from the ‘truth’.
Therefore, the ‘stubbornness’, ‘laziness’ and ‘emotion’ in your mind may be something they have deliberately planted in you.
Even when B-tier people vote for a politician, most of them do so on the basis of ‘sentiment’.
” Because that person shook my hand.”
” Because this person has worked hard for the local community.”
” Because he/she has been on TV a lot and is active.”
” Because this person seems very nice.”
But if you judge a politician by his or her ‘feelings’ again, even though you have had enough of that and have fallen for conspiracy theories, you have fallen into the devil’s trap again.
The ‘feelings’ that need to be cut off will be cut off, bluntly and mercilessly.
If you want to pursue a ‘conspiracy theory’, you have to have that kind of integrity.
But for some reason there are so many conspiracy theorists in the world who cannot do that simple thing.
Or it could go something like this.
You are blogging and an informant comes to you.
This person kindly offers you a lot of information.
So, you’re sorry, but you cut off the person’s information unnecessarily and write about it on your own blog: …….
This is also a big mistake.
Because it is absolutely forbidden to bring ‘emotion’ into the world of science.
So, we must constantly fight and overcome the enemies of stubbornness, laziness and passion within us.
Otherwise, we will never be able to reach the truth.
Stubbornness, laziness and passion are the very opposite of truth.
This does not mean that you should regard yourself as the enemy.
You must take the best care of yourself.
But it is certainly true that many people today are too self-centered and take too much care of themselves.
This is probably the reason why there are so many bloggers who do not put their readers first but are only self-centered and only write about what they want to write about.
Even if that person is not an agent of the underworld, they are misinformed.
This means that the person is no different from what underworld agents do.
Therefore, we may have no qualms about calling that person an agent of the underworld.
When I say this, you may find people like this.
“I’m free to write whatever I want on my blog. Because freedom of speech is guaranteed in this country.”
If you want to go that far, go ahead.
But such a person will surely get the boot later on.
The words you speak will come back to haunt you.
Watch what happens to that person in ten or twenty years.
He or she will no longer be able to write a blog in peace and quiet. He or she will have run out of things to write about because what he or she writes won’t make sense.
Of course, your readers will also run out of love for you and leave you.
But no matter how wrong you have been writing, if you honestly admit your mistakes and start writing the right things, you will surely be blessed.
God will certainly bless that person.
What is clear is that the blessing will first come in the form of many, many more new facts.
I know this from my own experience.
Then, of course, the material for writing will come more and more, and the readers will surely follow.
Of course, it takes a lot of courage to tell the truth that no one has ever told before.
Because if you do, you are bound to get a lot of backlashes.
In fact, it seems that there are quite a few people who secretly speak ill of my blog behind my back.
Even on some well-known websites, it seems that people who look like agents are slandering me a lot.
I guess they have no choice but to say bad things about me behind my back, because I can’t take any crap from them if they come to my blog and complain about me directly.
But it’s all just useless foot-dragging. Because in the face of correct information, all the bad words and slander are completely meaningless.
In fact, the bad words they write will lead to more people reading my articles. Moreover, many of those who read my articles will come to realize the correctness of my articles.
So, they are only digging their own graves, not the other way round.
The present is no longer like the past. Until now, it was a time when evil people could live in this world with impunity. But from now on, things will not go in their favor.
This is because almost everyone in the world is aware that there is something wrong with the information that is circulating in the world today.
So many people will now be looking for the truth.
They are hungry for the truth.
It is true that conspiracy theories have not spread very well in the world so far.
But this is not because the B-tier people were simply not clever enough.
It is because the conspiracy theories so far have been too bogus and have not made any real sense.
So as soon as they were told not to touch it or look at it, a lot of people turned away from conspiracy theories.
But I have, to some extent, worked out what is wrong with the conspiracy theories so far.
I am sure I will continue to unravel more and more.
Then the smell of falsehood will disappear more and more from conspiracy theories.
The number of awakened people will also increase.
It may still be a grassroots movement at the moment.
But eventually what is written on this blog will become common knowledge.
I think it is just a matter of time.
At the moment, my blog receives an average of 30,000 page views per day and one million page views per month.
(Below is a graph from Google Analytics showing the number of visits)

I have been blogging for less than a year and the content of my articles is quite heavy.
And yet I consider it a miracle that so many people still read it.
I am very grateful.
Moreover, the number of readers started to increase after I exposed the Emperor’s conspiracy.
Even after I started writing about ‘ghosts’ at the beginning of this year, the number of hits slowly and gradually increased.
After all, the truth has so much power to attract people.
So, I will continue to write only the truth, no lies, no bullshit and no deception.
If I do that, I am sure that the number of readers and the number of awakened people will increase.
I believe that.
Contradiction begets contradiction, and eventually you come to a dead end.
But truth begets truth, and eventually you get a bigger view.
And nobody is averse to that. If anyone is, it is the devil.
Therefore, in order to increase the number of truly awakened people in this world, we conspiracy theorists must always maintain a position of ‘fairness and neutrality’.
This will lead to an increase in the number of truly awakened people.
If we continue to call ourselves Ozawa fans or Putin fans, the number of awakened people will only decrease.