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The reality that Japan is a target of the Islamic State.

How far will the Illuminati card prophecy come true? (Translator’s Note) The following is a pa …

It is a fact that there was an advanced civilization in prehistoric times. However, Satanists have long obstructed its study.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 5 D …


皆さんは放射能や原子力について、わかりにくいと思うことはないでしょうか。 私は、放射性物質の半減期が何百年もあると聞いて、どうして広島や長崎では普通に人が暮らせるのか不思議に思います。 私たち日本人の …

Both Shinzo Abe and Nobusuke Kishi were not being used by the US, but were actually spies for the Emperor sent to the US.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 24 …
