English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Agartha hidden in Taro Okamoto’s Tower of the Sun.


The devil is always whispering to us, even from works of art.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 9 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Today in Japan, the same kind of Nazi “voter” ideology is being instilled in the Japanese people through television and the Internet, and a tendency to “praise Japan” and “admire the Emperor” is being created more and more.

Concerned about this, I did some research on Nazi Germany and found out that it was actually the Green Dragon Society, a faction of the “Emperor Faction,” that created the Nazis.

I also found out that this “Green Dragon Society” has a deep connection with Tibet.

The real reason why Nazi Germany lost the war. Or about the “Green Dragon Society” that manipulated Hitler.

So, thinking that Tibet was suspicious, I researched Tibet and found that Tibetan Buddhism, which the Dalai Lama believes in, is complete devil worship.

Tibet is a holy land of devil worship. https://nozomi-creation.com/tibet-is-a-holy-place-for-devil-worship/

I found out that this Tibetan Buddhism was created under the influence of Japanese “Esoteric Buddhism.

Thinking that “esoteric Buddhism” was also suspicious, I investigated and found that this “esoteric Buddhism” was also unmistakably Satan worship.

Japanese esoteric Buddhism is also Satanism itself. https://nozomi-creation.com/japanese-esoteric-buddhism-is-also-satan-worship-itself/

Moreover, we have learned that the Japanese “emperor,” the current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and many politicians in Nagata-cho are deeply involved with “Esoteric Buddhism.

We have come to understand that Japan has been contaminated by the ideology of “Esoteric Buddhism” at every turn.

The evidence is clear that the Emperor, Prime Minister Abe and the politicians in Nagata-cho are Satanists who believe in “Esoteric Buddhism”. https://nozomi-creation.com/solid-evidence-that-the-emperor-prime-minister-abe-and-the-politicians-in-nagata-cho-are-satanists-who-believe-in-esoteric-buddhism/

A simple diagram of this series of events is as follows.

Electionism → Nazi Germany → Green Dragon Society (and Kou-Manjikai) of the Emperor’s faction → Tibet → Shamballa (Agartha) → Sanat Kumara (Satanism) → Tibetan Buddhism (and Hinduism) → Esoteric Buddhism → Shintoism → Emperor → Japanese politics.

So almost everything in this world is related to “devil worship,” and behind that “devil worship” there is always a glimmer of the “emperor faction.

Of course. This is because they have been promoting the Japan-centered NWO plan on a global scale for a long time. That is why the shadow of the “Emperor” is everywhere in this world.

We have only recently become aware of this plan.

In fact, they have been openly engaging in this kind of manipulative activity before we became aware of it.

Today I would like to give you a typical example. Today’s talk will show you how blind we have been.

Have you ever heard of an artist named Taro Okamoto?

He is an artist who took the world by storm with his slogan “Art is an explosion. I think there is probably no one who has not heard of him.

<Taro Okamoto>

Have you ever heard of the work called “Tower of the Sun” created by Taro Okamoto?

If you live in the Kansai region or are somewhat older, you probably know it.

Tower of the Sun – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%99%BD%E3%81%AE%E5%A1%94&oldid=54663287

Even if you have never heard of this work, the name “Tower of the Sun” should immediately ring a bell.

Yes, it is a Tower of the Sun. It is also unmistakably a work of “Satanism”.

This “Tower of the Sun” was a work by Taro Okamoto that was exhibited at the 1970 Osaka World Exposition (EXPO ’70, Osaka Expo ’70).

At the time, it was not well received.

But now that I look at it, I find it just plain creepy.

According to Okamoto Taro, the Tower of the Sun has a hidden meaning of “Japanese mythology.

He says that the golden face at the top is the “first face” and represents “Amaterasu”, the face in the middle is the “second face” and represents the “face of the sun”, and the sun in the back is the “third face” and represents the “black sun”.

There is also a “fourth face” in this work, but do you know where in the world it is?

But no matter how many times you look at the picture above, you will not be able to figure it out. The reason is that the “fourth face” is underground.

It is called the “Underground Sun” or the “Ancient Sun.

Oh no. Isn’t that the “Central Sun” that shines in Agartha?

—————- (Reprinted from Wikipedia below)

The Fourth Face

 There was also an underground space where a fourth “face” (3 m in diameter and 13 m long) was installed, which was called “the sun of the depth of the earth (the sun of the primeval age), representing the source of human prayers and hearts”.

However, like the Tree of Life, it was closed after Expo’90, and after 1993, it was lost in various processing doldrums.

In 2009, a call for information was issued with the aim of re-exhibiting it as part of the 40th anniversary project.

However, it did not arrive in time for the opening of the EXPO ’70 Pavilion on March 13, 2010.

To this day, there are no clues and the call for information continues.

However, on July 30, 2014, the prefectural government’s expert panel announced its intention to restore the fourth face and open it to the public by the end of FY2016.

After the Expo, Hyogo Prefectural Government brought the ancient sun to Hyogo Prefecture to be exhibited in the museum.

However, the plan was later disputed, and the sun was left in a disassembled state.

The sun is no longer in the place where it was last seen. There is no detailed record of its storage in Hyogo Prefecture. There is also a story that the sun was not placed in a warehouse, but was left outdoors in a place like a junkyard.


Communicating with the demons in Agartha is the main goal of Satanism.

Therefore, Satanists have known and longed for “Agartha” since ancient times.

The Emperor-centered NWO project is nothing but a plan to rebuild the underground city of Agartha on Earth.

In short, Taro Okamoto was actually a Satanist. This is astonishing.

Furthermore, it is said that a “Tree of Life” was created inside this “Tower of the Sun.

As many of you know, the Tree of Life is a satanic symbol called “Kabbalah”.

Thus, the work is littered with “demonic” elements.

To begin with, the honorary president of the Osaka Expo was then Crown Prince Akihito (i.e. the current Emperor), and the honorary chairman was then Prime Minister Eisaku Sato.

World Exposition of Japan – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E4%B8%87%E5%9B%BD%E5%8D%9A%E8%A6%A7%E4%BC%9A

In short, a Japan-centered NWO plan by the “Emperor’s Faction” was already being promoted at that time.

And the Osaka World Exposition was held as part of this plan.

Moreover, this “Tower of the Sun” still appears in the movie “Twentieth Century Boys” and is used for many other events.

For example, this is what was done.

This event is called “Illumination Night Expo Xmas 2013”. It seems that they call it “Illuminite” for “Illumination”.

But in reality, it is probably a reference to the “Illuminati”. I can’t help but think so.

As you can see, most of the famous works of art in this world have some connection with Satanism.

Just the other day I mentioned that Mozart was a Freemason.

Actually, so was Beethoven (a Franciscan, to be exact), and if you look deeper into things, you will find that most famous artists are Satanists.

I suppose the same goes for Haruki Murakami, who I mentioned the other day.

I am somewhat familiar with literature because I come from a literary background.

I have no doubt that most of the famous Japanese writers can be considered Satanists. I have already been able to confirm this about some of the writers.

In other words, Satanists would never allow anyone other than Satanists to make a name for themselves in this world.

And if you look closely at Okamoto Taro’s other works, you will see that they are all truly Satanic.

He must have had such demonic.

Frankly, I got a headache just looking at it for a moment.

Before he died, Taro Okamoto said, “It should not be good. It should not be beautiful. He also said, “Artistry, beauty and comfort have nothing to do with the essence of art, and that true art is to attract and overwhelm the viewer, including unpleasantness and discomfort. “

I am tempted to say, “Quibble in moderation.

We don’t want to see such unpleasant things.

Besides, this video has nothing to do with Taro Okamoto, but it made me laugh.

  hallucinations because he is a regular devil worshipper.

However, his works are all unbearable for us ordinary people to look at.

Is this an “esoteric” temple?

It looks like a concert in front of a Buddhist altar.

I have a feeling that the audience probably did not even know the “title” of the song, but just gathered there because they heard that a famous person was going to give a concert.

The title of the piece is “The Devil’s Trill” and it is a violin sonata composed by a man named Giuseppe Tartini.

The legend says that one day the devil appeared in his dream and played the violin, and he wrote it down as soon as he woke up because of its beauty, hence the name “The Devil’s Trill”.

In short, this Tartini was probably also a devil worshipper.

In this way, the devils are always trying to plant satanic thoughts and ideas in people’s minds by pretending to give them pleasure by saying, “This is art.

And the mass media of today is the result of such manipulative activities on a large scale. We must always be careful not to fall for their clever tricks.

Otherwise, just like the Germans under the Nazi regime, we too will be “elected officials” before we know it and be on board with the Japan-centered NWO project.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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