English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

What is true freedom? What is true happiness?


Some things you need to know to avoid being deceived by false religions created by the devil.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 15 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Yesterday I was unable to update the article.

It seems that some people were worried that we were being sabotaged.

I am very sorry for that.  

When I think about it, since last May, when I started writing this blog in earnest, I have not missed a single day of updates, except when Lollipop restricted my access.

Yesterday, however, I realized that this is actually nothing short of a miracle.

Until now, no matter how busy I was, I always managed to find time to write articles.

Even on days when I wasn’t feeling well, I would force myself to write articles.

Yesterday, however, I could not even find time to sit down at the computer.

In case you are wondering, my articles are getting closer and closer to the core of the underworld.

So, people in the underworld may be harassed by such a reality and desperately try to “curse” me.

The effect of this curse may have put me in such a situation yesterday.

But I pray to God who is far above that devil.

So the effect of such “curses” will be temporary.

Besides, the “curse” will eventually bounce back on their own heads many times over.

So the more they curse me, the more they will strangle themselves.

Well, please try your best to strangle yourself.

So today, for the first time in a while, I would like to take a short break from the underworld.

Frankly speaking, the more I learn about the inner workings of the underworld in this way, the more I can see how dirty and sordid it really is.

I often feel too much stimulation or too much shock even for myself, or at least I often get fed up while writing articles myself.

Especially when I learned about the teachings of “Tibetan Buddhism” and “Esoteric Buddhism,” I was stunned and amazed.



At the same time, I felt like I was going crazy from the sheer craziness of it all.

I am sure many of you felt the same way.

And yet, those in the underworld practice it every day.

So, it is easy to imagine how corrupt their minds and thoughts are.

They try their best to dress up their appearance so that people cannot see the stains on their minds, but no matter how many rotten apples they hide, they cannot hide the smell.

In the same way, no matter how much you hide the dirt in your heart, someone will eventually find it out. In fact, many people are now realizing that everything in this world is rotten, including politics, economics, culture, and art. 

Therefore, no matter how beautifully Satanists dress up their appearance, it is completely meaningless.

Eventually, the filthiness of their hearts will be seen by all.

However, Satanists cannot betray their friends again.

It is their habit to perform lewd and wicked rituals on a regular basis.

Therefore, they would not feel comfortable not performing these rituals.

So even if they wanted to stop, they couldn’t.

In devil worship, people eat human flesh and excrement, engage in homosexuality, and do all kinds of things that are normally considered disgusting.

So, at first, everyone is reluctant to engage in Satanism.

But as they repeat such acts over and over again, they eventually become addicted to it and cannot stop.

This is just like alcoholics and gamblers.

They become addicted to alcohol and gambling, and if they don’t do it, they become more and more stressed.

On the other hand, they hate themselves every time they drink or gamble.

So that makes it even more stressful.

In other words, once they become addicted to something, they become more and more mentally deranged.

They have to suffer endlessly from this self-contradiction.

Isn’t that hellishly painful?

In addition, Satanists still try to make their own friends. This is the most frightening part.

First, they form religious organizations with Christianity, Buddhism, or Shinto as their signboards and increase their followers.

Then they select a person who is especially loyal to the guru from among the followers, tell him or her that this is the “secret of faith,” teach him or her “devil worship,” and turn him or her into a devil worshipper just like themselves.

However, there are still many people in this world who join some religious group without knowing it.

They continue to believe in that religion because they want to get out of it, even though they think there is something wrong with it.

But no matter how fervently they believe in such a religion, there is no way for their lives to improve.

They will eventually get tired of that religion.

Is that why?

Recently, several people have emailed me asking if the religion they believe in is safe.

However, I do not know all religious groups in detail.

So, I reply to such people roughly as follows.

“If you feel that you have become more virtuous by believing in the religion, then the religion is genuine. But if you don’t feel that way, then the religion is fake.

Most religions that are called cults sell “miracles.

The Aum Shinrikyo cult also attracted followers by publicizing the fact that Shoko Asahara had floated through the air.

The Vatican is no different.

They too have tried to gain many followers by performing various “miracles.

Some of them do not believe in these miracles, and there are many who try to see through their tricks.

But it is a waste of time to investigate and research such things.

But it is a waste of time to investigate and research such things, because whether they are real miracles or not is not the important question.

The more important question is whether or not one’s virtue is enhanced by the teachings of the religion.

The purpose of believing in a religion is not to perform miracles.

It is not to be happy.

Nor is it to make one’s wishes come true or to solve one’s problems.

To be clear, as long as you improve your virtue, you will naturally become happy, your wishes will naturally come true, and your problems will naturally disappear.

But people do not understand this.

So, they first try to achieve happiness, fulfill their desires, and get rid of their problems.

But they will continue to suffer and get nothing.

So what does it mean to be virtuous?

In a word, it means “to become a perfect person.

It is commonly said that the human mind consists of “knowledge, emotion, and will. Knowledge” refers to “knowledge and learning,” “emotion” refers to “humanity and feelings,” and “will” refers to “will and ethics.

To cultivate, develop, and perfect these things is to “become a perfect human being.

However, it is very difficult to “become a perfect person” in this world.

The world is so evil that even if you try to be perfect on your own, you will encounter many obstacles.

Sometimes it seems impossible to create oneself.

Moreover, most people in this world say that it is impossible for a person to be perfect.

Even some Christian pastors are not afraid to say this. They say things like, “God loves you even if you are not perfect,” as a temporary comfort.

The Bible clearly says, “Be perfect. (Matthew 5:48)

Of course, God fundamentally loves us human beings.

This is a certain fact.

However, in order to be truly loved by God, human beings still have to make a certain amount of effort.

For example, suppose a parent has two children.

One of them makes no effort to develop himself and lives a life of daily play, while the other one studies hard and tries his best to improve himself.

Which child does the parent love more?

The answer is obvious. They would love the latter more and try to listen to his or her wishes more.

God is the same way.

If a person strives to perfect himself, God will love him more and do more for him.

However, the demons have cleverly reversed the nature of this religion.

They first perform “miracles” in front of people and then try to make them believe in their religion by selling their “miracles.

They advertise that something good will happen to you and you will be happy if you believe in this religion, regardless of whether you do good deeds or not.

Therefore, most religions in the world, no matter how fervently they are believed, cannot produce truly good people.

There are so many religions in the world.

So, it would be nice if there were more saints like Mother Teresa, but the reality is that there are not.

The reason is that the majority of religions in this world are corrupt.

There are devil worshipers at the heart of most religions in the world, and they have twisted the original purpose of religion.

That is why most of the religions in this world are unable to produce perfectly good people.

What is the point of having a religion that cannot create a good person or a perfect person?

As for myself, I do not respect or worship anyone unless he or she is a person who makes me perfect or teaches me a teaching that makes me perfect.

Nor do I follow him or her.

It seems that the “emperor” and the “pope” are the most important people in this world.

But neither the “emperor” nor the “pope” can make me a perfect person. Neither do they preach such teachings.

The “emperor” just reads from someone else’s script.

The “pope” says something as absurd as “gays are welcome.

No amount of such talk can make you a perfect human being.

Therefore, I neither believe nor respect them.

I am not even ready to do so.

And religions that promote sexuality, such as “Tibetan Buddhism” and “Esoteric Buddhism,” are out of the question.

Such religions are not worth believing in to begin with.

Not only religions, but also all those who say that people will be ruined if they don’t have sex, or that people without sexual desire are no good.

It’s better not to have desire if you don’t have it.

It is much easier not to have it.

Even if you have desires, you should burn them by creating yourself.

Because we live with other useless desires, our unfulfilled mind gets bigger, and because our unfulfilled mind gets bigger, our complaints and dissatisfactions get bigger, and our worries and troubles get bigger.

But if there are no unnecessary desires in the first place, there will be no complaints or grievances.

You will not be jealous or resentful of anyone, and you will be able to devote yourself to the work you have to do.

You will be able to live uprightly without looking away.

You will be able to use your time much more effectively because you will not be wasting it.

What takes a person two hours to do, he or she will be able to do in one hour.

Then that person will have lived twice as long as other people. If you want to live longer, live like this.

Who would respect a person with strong worldly desires?

There may be some eccentric people, but in general such people are not respected by anyone, and in fact they are looked down upon by everyone.

Satanists know this, and that is why they perform their lewd rituals secretly behind the scenes so that no one will see them.

And to console themselves from their misery, they force others to do sexual things with them.

Even if doing sexual things relieves one’s stress or temporarily relieves one’s worries, if one becomes addicted to sexual things, it is the end of that person as a human being.

And many people in this world do not understand this, and they are deceived by the devil’s theories and are carried away to more and more sexual places.

They are really pathetic people. When I see young people ruining their own lives by getting married because they are “done with it,” I also feel pathetic.

In order not to be deceived by such devilish theories, we should strive to create ourselves. We should strive to develop our “intellect, emotions, and will. As long as we make such efforts, we will never be deceived by the devil’s theories.

This is because the devil can control a person’s body, but he cannot even control a person’s mind. Only in such a state can you say that you have attained true happiness and true freedom for the first time.

At least that is what I think, and that is how I protect myself from the devil’s trap.

At the risk of sounding presumptuous, today I would like to discuss how to protect oneself from the devil.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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